Optimal DIY Panda room for 4x8 flood table?


I am wanting to do away with my tents for a bit and to start growing on flood tables. I will be upgrading residences later this year but for now, I want to get a crop or two done as my stash is running low.

I only have a single car garage and dimensions are tight. Just wondering for some of you who have a lot of experience with tables, what is the optimal buffer around the table and what's the smallest buffer I do? Trying to manage space as best I can, but I don't want it to severely hamper yields.

Thought and opinions appreciated :)
Switching myself eventually, what do you think of aeroponics or even a soil based bubbler type, you keep the roots saturated and bubble through it, just a thought on another angle for what your trying to do.
I'll be doing flood and drain.. not sure if coco or hydroton at this point. I have a homemade aerocloner. Did DWC before but this seems to be a really efficient method of turning out flower.