optimum room size for 2 400w hps / 2 600w mh? 9 3.5gal pots per light


Well-Known Member
*want to grow 9 plants under each light. The idea is to have 2 separate rooms, one for flower one for veg so I can rotate, that will both be in one bigger room.*For the veg room 2 400w hps for flower 2 600w.*Grown in 2 gal ebb and flow set up. Possibly 3.5 gallon...So I can basically make the big room any size I want, but I want it as small as possible. I will vent the room size accordingly.So yeah any thoughts?

I am makinh this room separate from my houseout of concrete and cc blocks. So I also control the height so plZ include how high I should make it too.

Planninh on running flower and veg for 45~ days each. Also a clonet machine so the veg will have the seedling stage alteady finished.