Orange Mass Lollipop comparison

Which of the 2 will be the winner?

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New Member
I thought it would be fun to do a side by side comparison, of lollipop vs. "regular" grows.
I've never done the lollipoping before and haven't done a "regular grow in some time now either.

So I got 2 Orange Mass, set up for this.
Both are from seed.
O.M. #1 seed popped on Jan 14th
O.M. #2 seed popped on Jan 16th

Starting them off in 16oz party cups.
MG soil and perlite.
MG nutes 24-8-16, with super thrive and cal/mag when needed.

Depending on how they grow not sure what to upcan into. Prolly just 2L ice cream containers.

Flowering nutes are MG as well
(15-30-15), with a tbl spoon of blackstrap molassas.

Anyone care to bet on which one will come out on top? I'm leaning on the lollipop, but one never knows........:joint::joint:


New Member
Here's some pics of the O.M's on Feb 4th, haven't done anything to them, just letting them grow for right now.
The last 2 pics are of an O.M. that is fim'd and lst'd that's in my veg room right now, gonna veg that one for quite awhile and scrog that puppy



New Member
Feb 11th

They have been moved into the flower room now for 2 nights. So the went into 12/12 on Feb 9th.
They're doing good, streching out a little more, now they're under the 400 hps instead of the 2-6400k cfls.
They're both around the same size as well, also upcanned to 2-1.8L icecream containers.
Both are looking pretty healthy, just starting to see a little yellowing on the very bottem leafs, gonna up the nutes a bit now.
If anyone's watching.....sorry no pics, no batteries for the cam and pretty broke at the moment.


New Member
Also for the other O.M. I was gonna keep for a mom, plans changed, after I flower all the ones I have in my flowr room, I'm only allowed to have 1 plant at a time I'm gonna really veg the shit outta that one till all the others are harvested, and do a scrog with the fucker. I'm only allowed to have one now eh? Well then let's make it a fucking MONSTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I plan on filling the whole 2-2 1/2' closet I have for my flower room in a nice big scrog.
That will have to be another journal in it's self


New Member
right on man, thanks for the rep and signing on. Hope to finally find out for myself which is better. It would be alot better if I had more space to do more of each.


Well-Known Member
Scribed this is the kind of shit i want find out topping vs fimming, organic vs non etc..
will give you some rep when i find out how


Well-Known Member
the white scales on the right hand side of the screen above the date
Plus rep.looking forward to seeing the end result.How long are you vegging them?I currently lst mine but im getting really busy and might wanna do something that requires a little less time in the garden,anxious to see what lollipoping gives as opposed to regular.


New Member
Well I'm dissapointed.......I won't be able to find out the diff between them this time around........the "regular" grown one decided to become male today, came home from work and the prick had some balls. So now I"m stuck with a lonely lollipop, well he/she (never shown sex yet) still has the 2 party cups and the sativa to chill with for now. Damn it though, I wanted to grow a normal one, I haven't done that since my first grow, and they weren't exactly the greatest plants..........
Well sorry about that folks, show's over ain't got to go home just get the hell outta here. I leave ya with a couple of picks of the goof fuck that ruined it for us all....



Well-Known Member
Too bad about the male! :(

The only way to do a comparison grow and have reliable results, anyhow, is to use clones from the same mother... meaning, of course, that you'll already know the sex. ;)

I was all revved up to see a "to lollipop or not to lollipop" comparison grow here... now I've gotta do it myself, dammit! :lol: I currently only have seeds and six cuttings that haven't taken root yet. Once the cuttings are full-blown clones, I also was thinking of doing a "normal" vs. lollipop, side-by-side. But I suck at keeping journals updated with any reliability. :oops: :mrgreen:


New Member
well if you do it send me the thread, I'd love to know, yea I know the best way is with clones, but this was just an out of the blue thingy, they were the same strain and were growing at the same rate.


Well-Known Member
Oh, I highly doubt there'll be any thread created by me... when I said I suck at keeping journals updated, I wasn't kidding. :lol: After doing two grow journals, I decided to retire that end of growing. :mrgreen: