orange peels?


Active Member
I remember hearing once that orange peels are good for plants.

like putting eggshells, or coffee grounds.

After researching a bit i only found that people do this to keep cats away..

So is this true? does it have any nutritional value to my babies?


Well-Known Member
if you throw orange peels in with your dry, crispy weed it makes it smell like oranges and moistens it up. thats about it.


Well-Known Member
if you rub toothpaste in orange peels and let them sit in the sun they will grow fungus and if you eat it you will trip face for hours


Oracle of Hallucinogens
can make your weed taste good if you throw some peels into the bag with it so I hear.. I don't know beyond that.


Well-Known Member
i once put some orange peels in a jar with some dank, came back to the jar a few days later and had some mold all over. it sucks dont do it