Orange Spots


Active Member
White Widow
7 gal pot
FFOF 50% Happy Frog 50%
Distilled Water 6.5 PH
68° Night 77° Day
Humidity: 50%-70%
MaxiGrow feeding once a week
Water when needed
6 weeks in Veg
Have a oscillating fan
GoGreenLED 6 CoB 300 watt for 2x4 grow tent

Getting orange spots on her, Have a OG Kush next to her and its doing fine.c444ff90-a9b6-49da-a47c-0a049259a8f1.png59f41231-01d2-4ac5-b3ea-09dce2bb8c2c.png1656d60c-02ea-4b01-a140-4d4e30520e00.png


Well-Known Member
They're starving. That distilled water is your problem I'm guessing. If you use that you need to add cal-mag. That plant you say looks healthy is hungry too, especially for Mg.

I also see bug signs, but I don't think that's causing the issue you're seeing.