Ordering cuttings from the net...


Well-Known Member
Hello fellow gardeners. So I’d like to purchase some newer strains and I hate doing the whole seed thing and waiting so I’ve decided I’d like to buy some cuttings for once and see how that goes. Can anyone recommend a good company that ships cuttings thru the mail and is legit and you’ll actually get the strain you ordered. I was looking at a few sites and they legit want like $1500 a cutting which is absolutely crazy in my opinion. That would basically make that single plant a million dollar plant. I’d prefer to stay around $30 or under per cutting. Thanks for any info
There are some cheaper clones on Strainly that run 30-50$ but you do pay an up charge for getting it mailed to you because of the added risk etc. those $1500 cuts are prob worth the money but to each their own.
I wouldn't do it, you're going to overpay for something less than stellar. I absolutely wouldn't order plants across state lines if you do decide to go this route. If I were you, I'd just buy a pack of top genetics, fems are fine if you don't want to mess with regs, and just grow out the pack, take cuttings of everything and then save the best of the bunch. You'll end up with a mother plant ten times better than whatever clone you manage to get through the mail. No one is selling "elite" clones for $30 a pop.