Mixed the soil today and planted the seeds.
Did not have that much fun washing perlite but mixing the soil was therapeutic.
I decided to basically start things off by experimenting with soil and my dry amendments. Kind of wish I had done a control plant buuuut was a little too excited. That said I'm slightly concerned I may run in to some nutrient burn but hoping for the best.
I'm running x2 Banana Kush, x2 Gelato and x2 Cheese, with one of each in two different soil mixes.
I started with one 1.5 cubic feet bag of Fox Farms Ocean Forest and added 30 cups of perlite for extra airation. This was enough to make up the bottom half of my six 5 gallon pots.
For the top half I had three 12 quart bags of Fox Farms Happy Frog potting soil. This is just shy of 1.5 cubic feet that's in the FFOF. I added 30 cups of perlite to this soil as well. Additionally I added 1.5 cups of Down To Earth 3-3-3 seedlings fertilizer.
I'm hoping it will compliment the HF and early stage of development.
That's what is the same for both mixes.
Mix #1
For the bottom half I added 4 tablespoons of Down to Earth 4-4-4 Vegetable Garden fertilizer and mixed it on. Then lightly sprayed the top and added 2 tablespoons of myco.

No further amendments were made to the top half of HF besides the 3-3-3. Both Happy Frog and 3-3-3 have myco so I didn't add any additional.
Mix #2
Probably a little hotter and mostly trying it out from what I saw on a Canucks Grow video. Don't think it's exactly the same though since I'm not totally sure what the difference is between the Gaia Green soil and FFOF/HF but all the Gaia Green products are like double to get them in the US from what I've seen.
Bottom half of FFOF has 2 tablespoons each of 4-4-4 Vegetable Garden and 4-8-4 Bloom and Flower mixed in. Then a light spray and topped with myco.
The top half of HF in Mix 2 has 3 table spoons of 4-8-4 mixed in. I then dug a cone shape out of the center of the top half and added additional HF that just had the 3-3-3 so the seedling isn't jumping right into the 4-8-4 mix.

Again this mix is a little hotter and is mostly an experiment to see the amendments will are too much or work out all right.
Spider farmers are set to 20% right now.
Will start 2 more Gelato in 2 weeks as it's a advertised as a 10 week plant and then 2 weeks after that another 2 Banana Kush and Cheese plants. Hopefully find out by then if the mixes are looking good or if I need to slow my roll and run with some control plants.