Organic bug spray recipe!!! For all plants- in flower or veg!!!

How Well Noobskie's Organic Spray Works

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  • I sprayed for 2 weeks with no success

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The best remedy which I can recommend is a mix made from household items - IT IS AN ORGANIC SPRAY - NO MAN-MADE CHEMICALS!!! I will have to make my own thread for this recipe now. . .

The ingredients in this recipe are those which I have been using for years, have been proven to work effectively in eventually killing, and preventing the further spread of nearly all of your outdoor pests, from some animals like rats, rabbits, and gophers, to your typical insect infestations aphids, white flies, spider mites, etc- which most people so often dread, and also helps to prevent the spread of some fungus growths and other molds!!!.

This spray recipe works through killing off all current generations and preventing any survivors from further laying eggs, thus, within a matter of a mere week to two weeks, your plants will be not only BURN AND RESIDUE FREE, BUT ALSO BUG/INSECT FREE!!! I PROMISE!

The measurements presented in this recipe are considered to be a LOW DOSE RECIPE, which can be used for seedlings, fresh cuttings, budding plants, and essentially all other stages of growth. So long as your plants handle well, you may either increase the strength of this spray in future spray sessions, or the frequency in which you spray the plants. IF your plants are currently in a healthy state of veg (1.5feet to 8feet) then you may CONSIDER doubling the measurements presented. Keep in mind, you must begin this recipe with the low dose so that you can safely spray your plants on a daily or bi-daily basis, this is to ensure the halting of egg laying for one weeks time, possibly two, if you choose to spray with the same measurements because the first week's results seemed perfect enough.

I have seen fully mite-infested and white fly infested plants go from full infestation to nearly NO BUGS PERIOD within ONE WEEKS TIME, when the spray was effectively used on a daily basis.

NOTE: You may not think these ingredients will mix together, but this has been specially prepared so that the solutions may all become water soluble. This means that the vegetable oil will not float on the top, instead, when properly mixed, it will become a blend in the entirety of the spray solution. I believe it is the acid in the lemon juice which breaks down and neutralizes the thickness of the oils and optional liquid detergent.

The ingredients and recommended dose of this recipe will be for a TWO LITRE POP BOTTLE, as I am sure most of you will have access to an empty 2 liter pop bottle within a day's time. . .

-Pure Lemon Extract 100% Lemon Juice - 1 teaspoon (Can be from real lemons, or store bought concentrate, concentrate works spectacularly)
-Tabasco Sauce OR make it naturally using cayenne peppers (Squish and juice) - 1 teaspoon (I guess it's man-made, lol)
-Vegetable Oil, Canola Oil, etc - YOUR CHOICE OF ONE TYPE - 1 teaspoon
-Isopropyl or Rubbing Alcohol 99% - 1 teaspoon
-Garlic Juice Extract (Made from real garlics, just blend and squish out the juice) - 1 teaspoon
-Hydrated Lyme - 1 Teaspoon

-Cinnamon Oil - 1 teaspoon
-Horseradish Juice Extract (Made from real horseradish, just as you would process the Garlic) - 1 teaspoon
-Handwash soap/liquid loap, diswasher liquid soap, etc - 1 Teaspoon (Optional Ingredient - depends if you are a "Organic-Nutso")
-Neem Oil - 1 teaspoon (This can be bought from any and every plant supply store, some home outdoor supply stores, etc)


I hope this helps you.
You also do not need to necessarily have ALL of the ingredients. I have separated the ingredients intentionally. The top ingredients are the most effective and are all needed in order to actually begin killing your infestations, the bottom ingredients all strengthen and amplify your results to be 100% effective


Realized typo on the TWO LITRE - used to be TWO GALLON.

People have asked about the soap
This is optional!

If you choose to use soap, do not use powdered detergents, use only liquid soaps like ivory, or grab a bar of soap and rub it in your hands, then scrape off a little of it into the bottle. The soap is to help break the tension on the leaves so water can easily be absorbed, it also helps with antibacterial and kills some bugs.
thats one hell of a concoction there. Generally if i need to, i will mix cayenne and water to keep bugs away. And for the few times ive had to deal with mildew/mold on my buds, i used garlic. Dishwasher soap would surely be a good solution, but im a little skeptical about soap on plants, regardless if its organic or not.
I just may have to try this recipe out sometime, thanks!
Did you mean a two liter pop bottle when you said "a TWO GALLON POP BOTTLE"?
Ill try this and tell you guys what results i got.
two liter pop bottle, be liberal on the spraying, don't put the plants through a hurricane, and follow up with a second pure water spray 15-30 minutes later =]. Gives ya some time to admire your beauties =]

This is also not really that concentrated. You can build up the dose sizes depending on your results and how well your plants take this first spray recipe. If you follow the complete recipe, I can promise you best results and your plants will not suffer whatsoever, they actually love it and suck up the spray for all of its nutrients that it has to offer! Trust me, it is a lovely thing!
Well, it's nice to see that this spray recipe has received so much attention. I would like to make the suggestion that from this point on people only post if they have a question in relation to the recipe and its application. It would also be really nice to hear of any success stories which anybody else may have to tell us...

**Let us know what ingredients from the recipe you used**
1. Let us know what your pest problem was- whether it be fungus or insects
2. Let us know how strong your concentration was in regards to the recipe directions
3. Let us know how frequently you were able to spray the infected plants
4. Let us know how long it took for your problem to be resolved
5. Lastly, do you believe you would have had better results from a store-bought product, or were you surprised?

Thanks again guys!
Dude this recipe sounds friggin phenomenal. Except I will totally forget in about....

Well, hopefully as time goes by, more and more will see it and learn about it. Now you have it in your history somewhere, so you can always come back =] Thanks for the compliment, btw.