organic cloning gel


Well-Known Member
I just took a class on forming a legal collective in Los Angeles county. Very informative. It looks like Clean Green is the way to go. I have some cloning that I need to do today. These moms are ready to pop. I have Olivia's cloning gel and rootone. Neither is saying that they are organic so I have to assume that they are not. Anyone have any suggestions?

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
Willow water. Take 1 inch peices of willow stems and place them in a small container. Add about 2 inches of ro water. Cover and let it stand for 24 hours. Remove the stems and use this to soak your cuttings. I would also use it to water down your cloning media. Be it rockwool or RR or DWC.

Rodale Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening suggests this, as do many other members.

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
Also some P will help root, N will slow it down. So I made a solution with liquid kelp and High P bat guano. Not a lot but a little. I also added hydroguard, which is benficial fungi that prevents root rot. I did not use worm castings or molasses in this "tea" of sorts, though I do aerate it. I spray it inside the dome and the inser tray is resting on a solution of this in its trough. I use RR. The leaves are starting to yellow today! Soon I will have clones. I love it when the clones stand up on their own when the dome is off for more than a few hours.;)


Well-Known Member
the most organic way to root ur cuts is just plain water. jus suspend ur cut with some celophane of a styrofoam chunk and make sue its not in direct light. use an dark cup and set it in a safe spot. this way takes longer but no chemicals

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
Rapid Rooters and DWC are easiest IMHO. Both I have had great success. Just keep that cut clean and away from cigs and neem and N.