Organic ecstatic fanatic grower


Well-Known Member
Hey ya'll! Just posting some organic and possibly entertaining fun ;) Gardening be my therapy, and I'm glad I joined this brutal yet informative forum. Been growing since I was 16 years old and I'm 37 now...learned a lot and still learning! Post whatever as long as you're not jacking. Inputs always appreciated! So I popped some more Useful Seeds fems and I'm trying some up potting with Xtreme Mykos and Azos. Started with my Mykos on the seeds in just 8oz cups. Now they have a good root system so today I'll be putting them in solos with even more Mycos. Watering with Molasses and Azos. The idea is to get those fungi going as early and often as possible before flip. Pics to come


Well-Known Member
Ordered some build a soil V3 due to losing my aged no til soil...ran out and had to get some FF & loco coco in a pinch. Hit em with a nice aerated compost tea per microbeman to get things living


Well-Known Member
Shit thought I was in organic and not outdoor...even tho I'd love to be outdoors and organic! How do I move a post?? At least I'm using the one and only indoor sun ;P