Organic Help Please

I am 2-3 weeks from harvest. I am growing in soil. All major fans have turned yellow with rust colored blotches between fans. Any ideas????

The buds look good it is just alarming the color the leaves have turned. I am fertilizing with biocanna flores and micro. I didn't give any Vegitative nutrients.:mrgreen:
The fact that your fan leaves are yellowing is totally normal. As the buds are growing and maturing, nutrients such as nitrogen are focused mainly to the buds, which are forming, leaving your fan leaves yellow and possibly a bit wilted; your plant is OK! This is actually a good sign your buds are growing as they should. Also, remember to STOP giving the plants nutes 1.5 - 2 weeks before you harvest, this will improve the quality and flavor of the bud.

Mr Bomb

Active Member
Sounds normal to me but make sure your giving the plant enough nitrogen. Sometimes that gets forgotten when flowering.