Organic - Leaves are yellowing, is this normal?

Dr. Dakota

New Member
Hey gardeners, this is my first post on rollitup but I've been browsing the site continuously through the years.

First of all, I have a lot of different questions but I'm assuming that's frowned upon so i'll stick with one.

This is my second grow but my first outdoor grow; but for a new grower I know quite a bit of info. I noticed now that my plants are starting to flower, they're all starting to develop pale yellow leaves around the bottom and working their way to the middle-up; they look pretty healthy for the most part though. I know that's supposed to be normal but I'm just double-checking. I water with a very high pH of 8.5 but I notice the runoff pH to balance out to a nice 6.5. I use a 50/50 mix of FFOF and Roots Organics soil, and the four that are yellowing are in 20gal bags. I haven't hit with any feed yet, once I head out to the hydro shop I plan to get: Big Bloom, Tiger Bloom, Sensi Bloom Part A/B, and hit it about twice with Gravity, I might hit them with some molasses too. (Is that coo?) But anyways, they're 3 months starting august. Let me know if you geniuses need any more info/pics. I have plenty.


I have heard that eggshells mixed in to the soil, USED (they have to be spent coffee grounds do not put fresh coffee on a plant) coffee grounds from your coffeemaker and even fresh lawn clippings can be directly added to the soil to increase nitrogen. This should slow the rate of leaves turning yellow. But every pot is different, see which one produces the best results for your set up. Nice plants btw.

Dr. Dakota

New Member
Thanks for the recommendation. I was debating whether or not to transfer them into 30 gals, so if I do decide to put em in bigger pots ill definately give that a try. I just don't know if it's a bad idea to transfer during the first week of flowering. And thank you, appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
That is normal if your plant is entering the flowering stage. Flowering cannabis does not need much nitrogen. They are fine and doing what they are supposed to do.

Dr. Dakota

New Member
Good shit that's what I like to hear. I was going to ask if I should use a fertilizer with high nitrogen or not. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Hey gardeners, this is my first post on rollitup but I've been browsing the site continuously through the years.

First of all, I have a lot of different questions but I'm assuming that's frowned upon so i'll stick with one.

This is my second grow but my first outdoor grow; but for a new grower I know quite a bit of info. I noticed now that my plants are starting to flower, they're all starting to develop pale yellow leaves around the bottom and working their way to the middle-up; they look pretty healthy for the most part though. I know that's supposed to be normal but I'm just double-checking. I water with a very high pH of 8.5 but I notice the runoff pH to balance out to a nice 6.5. I use a 50/50 mix of FFOF and Roots Organics soil, and the four that are yellowing are in 20gal bags. I haven't hit with any feed yet, once I head out to the hydro shop I plan to get: Big Bloom, Tiger Bloom, Sensi Bloom Part A/B, and hit it about twice with Gravity, I might hit them with some molasses too. (Is that coo?) But anyways, they're 3 months starting august. Let me know if you geniuses need any more info/pics. I have plenty.
This is a lot to digest, and I'm certainly no genius. Hopefully others will chime in as well. This type of yellowing that high up is definitely not normal. The last time it happened to me was actually when I used too much molasses a number of years ago. Have you tested the soil ph recently...or was that the 6.5 you mentioned?.

I ask b/c your basic soil blend should have enough N already w/o that arsenal of nutes you plan on using from the hydro store.


Dr. Dakota

New Member
I don't have a soil tester, but I do have a water test kit. The water I'm using (Garden hose) has a very high pH of 8.5.Although I tested my soil runoff and its a nice 6.5 - 6.8. I also expirimented by watering with water that had a pH of 6.5, to find my runoff still had the sam pH.


Well-Known Member
Somethings very useful I just read and informative.

Also, now that I thought about it longer, have you tested the Soil PH? If you are watering with 8.5 PH'd water (I assume it's tap water) and the run off is 6.5, something must be going on with the soil that the water PH is dropping so much. Most likely the soil is acidic?

I am in my second week of flowering my ladies, grow journal is in my signature, and had the same issue (bottom fan leafs turning yellow) but the rest of the plant looks healthy as can be. Besides the weird purple in my stems and such :P

I wish you luck and I will be watching this :peace:


Well-Known Member
I don't have a soil tester, but I do have a water test kit. The water I'm using (Garden hose) has a very high pH of 8.5.Although I tested my soil runoff and its a nice 6.5 - 6.8. I also expirimented by watering with water that had a pH of 6.5, to find my runoff still had the sam pH.

Man your backyard is dry as a bone...thought you all had more rain in northern Cali this year. Wow, and that water must live near a limestone river basin.

They certainly are not being overfed, yet tiger bloom is too low in the N department...same with big bloom.

Are you stuck with FF products?, the best I can find that has a good balance is their grow big...which is 6-4-4.

Also, I wanted to share this pic taken yesterday. I have dozens uploaded here during flower, none of which have yellowing secret=


Dr. Dakota

New Member
Thanks BSD but I do believe most organic mediums balance pH on their own. And Sun i'm not sure if you're implying that I have used any nutrients, because as of now I have not. And yeah it has been pretty dry, but I'm happy with it. I do believe that the aquifers for the tap water are located needed near a limestone basin so that's most likely the reason for the acidity. Also, I'm not stuck on FF products, I just have read great things about them. I also heard Tiger Bloom gives a nice good taste if flushed correctly. Who knows though, they'll say anything about fertilizers these days.


Active Member
Man your backyard is dry as a bone...thought you all had more rain in northern Cali this year. Wow, and that water must live near a limestone river basin.:razz:

They certainly are not being overfed, yet tiger bloom is too low in the N department...same with big bloom.

Are you stuck with FF products?, the best I can find that has a good balance is their grow big...which is 6-4-4.

Also, I wanted to share this pic taken yesterday. I have dozens uploaded here during flower, none of which have yellowing secret=
View attachment 2755484

hell yeah. ive been switching between garden tone and jobs, love them also- and very happy as well with results


I think it depends on strain, but mine always seem to get some yellowing as they flower, but usually not till sept....

Fox farms gb, tb, bb are good shit, but I use guano's too.