I figure....i grew up playing in dirt/mud and was relatively whatevers left.....ill play with more dirt/ mud. Who knows maybe ill find mrsa's nemisis.
Here you go


Ok kewl man. Absolutely love that help. I gotta say your a breath of fresh air to this site. Can tell your not american....your not a greedy, immature, asshole who runs his mouth about folks. I really enjoy your style. Your one of the few ive met here that dont judge or act as if they piss excellence because they have been blessed by a bountiful harvest. I was raised by farmers who taught me that a closed mouth dont get fed, so i have NO ISSUES asking for help. God forbid nowadays.......your some sort of scumbag with alterior motives, not a lover of cannabis just trying to stay good with having decent flowers available. Smh.
Thanks for the compliments; the reason I'm not all that bullshit because I reckon Ive been gone for a long bit, and Ive never been any of that shitty way anyway. I can understand where you are coming from for sure, sadly enough, since I grew up around motherfuckers trying to keep up with the Jones'. I'm not one of them and never have been.
Yeah I like both his and unconventional farmers styles. I started off (10 yrs ago) using miracle grow and bud blossomer tbh and that shit worked, but am more into doing the right thing for nature these days so I keep it super simple, organic as possible. I use my own compost, there are worms heavily in every pot, neem cake pellets in every pot, along with some local promix, and some red volcanic rock also local. Then I use water, water+fresh aloe, water+fresh coconut water, & water+blackstrap molasses. Thats it, oh and some fish something go in once in a while. I have made LAB and that shit works too; matter of fact I need to get on that now.