Organics question


Well-Known Member
This is my first attempt at full organics. This is my recipe for me soil


* 30% Spaghnum Peat Moss

* 30% Premium Worm Castings

* 25% Small Lava Rocks

* 15% Top Soil


* Neem Cake (1/2 cup per cubic foot)

* Sea Kelp Meal (1/2 cup per cubic foot)

* Crustacean Meal (1/2 cup per cubic foot)

* Mineral Mix (azomite i have to assume‍♂️, 5 cups per cubic foot)

* Alfalfa meal (1/2 cup per cubic foot)

* Gypsum ( 1/2 cup per cubic foot)

* Comfrey Leaf (a handful top dressed over the medium and covered with worm castings)

*Mulch with straw once it's in the container( or a living mulch like clover)

I have 3 questions.

First, do I need gypsum pellets that are going break down over time, because build a soil is out of that and I'm trying to find an alternative

2nd, would I receive any added benefits from using clover living mulch over straw

3rd, the mix calls for aloe, but no specific way to implement it, do I use it as a foliar spray or mix it in as a soil amendment.( May be a dumb question)