Oscillating Fan 4X4 tent


Well-Known Member
https://goo.gl/photos/DWKYKpu7HWk6GyTu6Hi all, working on my very first grow.

Had intended to get some babies, but a buddy hooked me up with some pre-teens which pushed my need for air circulation ahead of schedule by quite a bit. I had a little 6" clip on fan in there, but it didnt seem like that was going to be enough and at the time of my research it seemed like people were using full size fans in their tents. Found a cool video on how to mount it on youtube and off I went. Here I am now, fan in place, and I just feel like I am running out of room and need some advice. Planning to scrog these girls and I just do not know where everything is going to fit.

Should I ditch the big fan and go with multiple smaller fans? The COB frame of this light is almost the size of the tent, so I either have to go above or below it, or just on the frame itself with smaller fans. Really not sure what to do here.

