Other Useful Idiots!


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The GQP and Fox.
Putin's invasion of Ukraine exposes the Fox News-QAnon feedback loop
One of the currently preferred rationalizations pro-Russia propagandists are using to justify the invasion of Ukraine appears to have emerged from an American social media network known for hosting QAnon, neo-Nazis and other assorted deplorables. As Justin Ling at Foreign Policy explained it earlier this month, the new theory is that "Moscow is launching airstrikes on Ukraine to destroy bioweapon-manufacturing labs in order to prevent the American infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci from creating a sequel to the COVID-19 virus."
Fox news has lost all legitimacy at this point. Nothing but an anti american propaganda machine
Antirepublican, small r

Someone posted an article yesterday that described the far-right networks as theater with scriptwriters and performers, like pro wrestling. They feed their deluded fans the red meat of the “queer commies among us” engineered lies.