Our Gestapo/SS storm troopers at work

The only thing funny is that you would equate american police to the gestapo, its not even that they would shoot you for real, its that the goverment had a powerfull secret police orgonazation dedicated to the genocide of your race.

This chick got shot with a BB gun and is suing the goverment, very similar, her rights were obviously infringed upon
maybe not gestopo, but definitly not very proffesional behavoir by the cops. laughing about shooting some woman in the forhead with a rubber bullet in the debriefing (rubber or not i bet it still hurt like hell) then they were handing out the shit that the protesters left behind like it was some kind of consolation prize. I hope those cops that found that so funny find themselfs sitting behind a video camera moniter in a walmart as a security guard.

There was a case in anchorage awhile back were some kids ended up being convicted of assualt over shooting some guy with a paint ball gun and those were kids being kids. To me these guys are suppose to be proffesionals ment to serve and protect the public in a mature resposible way, not running around acting like a bunch of frat boys. They need to be held accountable for there actions rubber bullets or not.

then to top it all off out of all the people present, they had to pick the attorney to shoot nice job MPD. then they shoot her not only once but twice..... what a bunch of retards
This is exactly why I yeall at cops and get in their faces. If those motherfuckers set one toe on my property I immediately go in to "Wrath of God" mode on their asses. They're nothing but a bunch of little boys w/ badges and guns that think they can intimidate people into submission...Homie don't play that shit. They don't like it when I throw attitude on their sorry asses but I know my rights and those of my loved ones. They're fuckers and they think of the citizenry as sheep. This sheep has teeth. There may come a day when they'll get me, but I swear they'll walk away w/ a few contusions themselves. This is not false bravado, I've done it before, I'll do it again. We as Americans need to grow some balls and start fighting back at these motherfuckers that feel they have Carte Blanche to walk all over our rights as Americans.
We as Americans need to grow some balls and start fighting back at these motherfuckers that feel they have Carte Blanche to walk all over our rights as Americans.

Cop's are a real sore spot with me & my family.

I agree 100%,cop's nowdays are not the same kind of people they were 50 years ago when our parents taught us to respect & trust them,i taught my children to treat them with disrespect,contempt & distrust,cop's are not our friends nor are they here to help,i feel the same as you,when the cop's show up at my home they've got a hard road to hoe because im not cooperating nor are they welcome & i let them know it right away.

All of my children know their personal rights & know how to exercise their rights with the police at all times.

About 20 years ago when my mother was still alive & my children were still baby's we took my mother to dinner on xmas eve,on the way home a cop got on my ass,i wasnt speeding or doing shit,i saw him in my mirror on his radio,i knew i was fucked,sure as shit on come the lights,the asshole cop then got on his loud speaker & ordered me out of the car,then made me lay on the ground on my stomache in freezing slush while he searched me,all this scared the shit out of my family not to mention nearly giving my elderly mother a heart attack,seriously,that shit fucked my mother up bad..

After the prick searched me he ordered my whole family out of the car,so now here we are,me laying in the road,my wife with 2 terrified children & a 60 year old woman in poor health,all standing in the freezing ass cold all so this shit stain cop could look in my car, which i denied him permission to do but he looked anyway.

After he couldnt find shit he let me get up & let us go with no explaination of why we were stopped & no ticket,the next morning i called the city attorney to file a complaint against the cop,i was informed that the cop was well within his rights because when he called my name in it came back with a code 10 "approach with caution" because of my prison record.

The sorry bastards had allready took everything i owned,sent me to prison,left me pennyless,then made me pay 10's of thousands of dollars in fines & bullshit fee's for my crime, then they still have the right to harrass me for no good reason,all for the same crime,i still get fucked with to this day & its been close to 30 years since i was released.

A few years later i had just got home from a 9 day run i went on & a few of the guy's i rode with stopped by for a beer,we drank one beer & they split,about a half hour later the cop's showed up & came to my door,the interior door was open but the screen door was shut & locked,as soon as the cop knocked on the door my bulldog got up & ran for the door,the mother fucker pulled his gun & shot my family's pet 3 fucking times,killed my childrens dog right in their home,destroyed my door & ruined our carpeting from all the blood,once again when i filed a complaint i was informed that he was merely protecting himself from a viscous dog,my dog was murdered over a loud noise disturbance call over a few motorcycles.

I made my mind up that i would teach my children what being a cop was really about & the comparison to nazi's is a damm fine example of what they are,all adults should teach their children civil disobedience & why its the proper thing to do,in the 1960's we won much of our rights back by not standing for their bullshit but we've became a bunch of lemmings who do as they are told so the rights have been lost again.

I cant stomache the self rightous cock suckers.
Cop's are a real sore spot with me & my family.

I agree 100%,cop's nowdays are not the same kind of people they were 50 years ago when our parents taught us to respect & trust them,i taught my children to treat them with disrespect,contempt & distrust,cop's are not our friends nor are they here to help,i feel the same as you,when the cop's show up at my home they've got a hard road to hoe because im not cooperating nor are they welcome & i let them know it right away.

All of my children know their personal rights & know how to exercise their rights with the police at all times.

About 20 years ago when my mother was still alive & my children were still baby's we took my mother to dinner on xmas eve,on the way home a cop got on my ass,i wasnt speeding or doing shit,i saw him in my mirror on his radio,i knew i was fucked,sure as shit on come the lights,the asshole cop then got on his loud speaker & ordered me out of the car,then made me lay on the ground on my stomache in freezing slush while he searched me,all this scared the shit out of my family not to mention nearly giving my elderly mother a heart attack,seriously,that shit fucked my mother up bad..

After the prick searched me he ordered my whole family out of the car,so now here we are,me laying in the road,my wife with 2 terrified children & a 60 year old woman in poor health,all standing in the freezing ass cold all so this shit stain cop could look in my car, which i denied him permission to do but he looked anyway.

After he couldnt find shit he let me get up & let us go with no explaination of why we were stopped & no ticket,the next morning i called the city attorney to file a complaint against the cop,i was informed that the cop was well within his rights because when he called my name in it came back with a code 10 "approach with caution" because of my prison record.

The sorry bastards had allready took everything i owned,sent me to prison,left me pennyless,then made me pay 10's of thousands of dollars in fines & bullshit fee's for my crime, then they still have the right to harrass me for no good reason,all for the same crime,i still get fucked with to this day & its been close to 30 years since i was released.

A few years later i had just got home from a 9 day run i went on & a few of the guy's i rode with stopped by for a beer,we drank one beer & they split,about a half hour later the cop's showed up & came to my door,the interior door was open but the screen door was shut & locked,as soon as the cop knocked on the door my bulldog got up & ran for the door,the mother fucker pulled his gun & shot my family's pet 3 fucking times,killed my childrens dog right in their home,destroyed my door & ruined our carpeting from all the blood,once again when i filed a complaint i was informed that he was merely protecting himself from a viscous dog,my dog was murdered over a loud noise disturbance call over a few motorcycles.

I made my mind up that i would teach my children what being a cop was really about & the comparison to nazi's is a damm fine example of what they are,all adults should teach their children civil disobedience & why its the proper thing to do,in the 1960's we won much of our rights back by not standing for their bullshit but we've became a bunch of lemmings who do as they are told so the rights have been lost again.

I cant stomache the self rightous cock suckers.

Word up my friend. FWIW, I'm right there w/ ya and if we were to ever ride, I'd have your back as well.
All of my children know their personal rights & know how to exercise their rights with the police at all times.
Most excellent. Although my son serves this nation currently, he's witnessed his "old man" exercising his rights and I've taught him to do so as well. Kudos to you. 8)
i called the city attorney
Worthless pieces of shit IMO. I took down a neighbor a few years back because he was threatening my woman. I could've killed him, but chose not to. Long story short the motherfucker threw the first punch...I ended it if you know what I mean. The DA dropped the charges against that fucker because they "claim" I started the fight...in spite of the fact that he walked over to MY house and started yelling at MY woman with clenched fists...go figure.

They told the DA that I was a violent threat to the community (even though I am a Service Center Manager and am friends with well respected members of the community) and even shoot firearms on my property...right. I'll be working to vote that piece of shit out of office ASAP. He's confiscated property from others before and has never returned said property despite the fact that the "suspect" was never convicted.

Damn...I'm getting pissed again.
Damn...I'm getting pissed again.

I know the feeling,sometimes i come off as some kinda anti cop nut but when i think back over the last 50 some odd years of my life & all the bullshit they've caused me, plus the shit ive seen them do to other people i get pretty worked up.

I live near Detroit so you can imagine what kinda asshole cop's we have,just this morning on news radio i herard where the cop's were giving high speed chase down sidewalks where school children were waiting for a school bus,i had to turn the radio off i got so pissed,fucked my whole morning up.
...sometimes i come off as some kinda anti cop nut but when i think back over the last 50 some odd years of my life & all the bullshit they've caused me, plus the shit ive seen them do to other people i get pretty worked up.
Actually I was thinking more along the lines of a person with a firm belief in "Live and Let Live" and one who still believes in the fundamental tenets of of the US Constitution and Declaration of Independence..."Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness"....in other words, an American.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government