out of papers!! lazyness


Well-Known Member
fucking fuck!!! i keep forgetting to buy some pappers!

im like searching for some old single papers at every corner. i keep forgetting to buy some papers about a week straight!

as im home from hard day willing to roll up some joints this fucking problem still raises!! i cant remember to buy some papers!! i hate old papers wich i threw away cause they were bit crumpled.

now i found last one (i think thats the last one) papper wich was damaged. so i had to slice like half of it off. now ill smoke one lil joint .. eat something and write on my arm "buy some fucking papers you lazy idiot!!!"


Well-Known Member
ok i rolled up 0.5g short but FAT joint. fattest i ever rolled.

hope it will do the job... i start to think im getting addicted from weed... i cant think of life without weed no more!

its like candy for me like when i was a kid..


Well-Known Member
ok ... i feeeeeel sooo much better now ... awww...

.....why i keep talking to myself? bongsmilie

old pothead

Well-Known Member
I stopped using papers a long time ago,i hate seeing all that smoke go to waste.Need to get a small pipe for times like this.OPH


Well-Known Member
man, what kind of papers do you use that you can fit 0.5 in HALF a paper?
Party in House - kingsize

I stopped using papers a long time ago,i hate seeing all that smoke go to waste.Need to get a small pipe for times like this.OPH
ya,, i been thinking of that for a long time now..


Well-Known Member
nah i dont care much about joint size.. i like to rollitup with hands. as im smoking about 3 times a week i enjoy the process :)