Out of WEED and on a RAMPAGE!!


New Member
Man I know others get pissed when the smoke runs out...I am pretty bad... Anyone else get crazy pissed when they can't smoke?? I am soooo glad I'm finally growing... harvest cant come quick enough though. :(


Well-Known Member
this is usually the point when u scrape all the resin from your bowl. and who said marijuana isnt addicitve? sounds like your jonesing hard for a toke. go outside and get high on nature


Legal Moderator, Esq.
I used to be that way in college about 10 years ago. Now it can be a few weeks or more and I won't really be bothered. When I started growing I hadn't smoked in 8 years lol so I can't say I feel your pain, but I have in the past. :P Yeah go resin scraping. It's not physically addictive btw it's mentally addictive though.


New Member
I used to be that way in college about 10 years ago. Now it can be a few weeks or more and I won't really be bothered. When I started growing I hadn't smoked in 8 years lol so I can't say I feel your pain, but I have in the past. :P Yeah go resin scraping. It's not physically addictive btw it's mentally addictive though.
Yea, I've been smoking for 18 years, no breaks, and don't like to go without... AT ALL!
I agree with damn612. Scrape ur resin off and smoke that shit. I have had to do that plenty.

When ever I get a new sack, I roll a joint and set it aside, for situations like urs.


New Member
I agree with damn612. Scrape ur resin off and smoke that shit. I have had to do that plenty.

When ever I get a new sack, I roll a joint and set it aside, for situations like urs.
yes...I RARELY get in this situation... can't scrape, but I HAVE done that and it DOES work! sometimes that crap tastes like weed too!


Well-Known Member
same here. whenever i harvest/grab a branch i toss buds all over the place. whenever i run out i can always find at least a sesh... usually it ends up being like a gram nug i left in a pair of pants or a puck of hash i squashed under a book..
its a good habit to get into.

ill burn a doobie for you


Well-Known Member
Ya i feel ya,it sucks but when you get to a certain point a few days or a couple weeks without is just as well,but long periods without smoke, like months screw that!!


Well-Known Member
I was supposed to get a bag yesterday (didn't happen) and so yesterday I cleaned all pipes... no scraping here :(
Damm dude,where the fuk do you live that you cant score a sack on a moments notice ?

Im spoiled,ive grown our stash most of my adult life,we never run out,the wife & I keep 5 oz's personal at all times .

Made hash yesterday,weight after pressing all the water out with a bench vice was 103.2 grams,most likely we'll end up with about 85 to 95 grams when its 100% dry in a day or two :joint:

We'll give 5 grams to each of our patients as gifts,after that were looking at around 40 grams personal until next harvest,your gonna love growing yer own once you get a cycle down pat.


Well-Known Member
WTF? go get checked for ADHD man, or better yet go workout, pot is no more addictive than biting you nails, and yes once it becomes a nervous twitch it kinda sucks, so take a week off from smoking and quit obsessing over it,

I smoke shittons of weeds any chance i get, and its almost all the time, harness your energy and use it, otherwise your using weed for a crutch, so stop that and just use it for medicine, you know to help you make the necessary changes that will make you less psychologically dependent on a grassy mellow.


Active Member
When I run out the first few days are rough. Cant eat well, cant sleep anymore. Then after 4 or 5 days it just goes away.


New Member
Damm dude,where the fuk do you live that you cant score a sack on a moments notice ?

Im spoiled,ive grown our stash most of my adult life,we never run out,the wife & I keep 5 oz's personal at all times .
Let me just tell ya... a couple years ago I was receiving a ride home. We were pulled over, I was the passenger, was illegally searched, I had a 0.5 grams on me and got arressted... Was fined $595 and also had to pay for DUI school... cost me around $1,000 once all was said and done... 0.5 gram... that's where I live...