Outdoor 08: WW, NL, MLI, RS, PP


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone, Im new to the site but not to growing. This is my very first grow journal though. :blsmoke: I will be growing 5 different strains this year Maple Leaf Indica, Purple Power, Northern Lights, Red Shiva, and White Widow. This is my first attempt with WW, and I hope its going to do well outside.

My soil has been hot composted that consists of rouhly 6 parts AlphAlpha pellets, 3 parts Rock Phosphate, 3 parts Green Sand. Those are not exact measurments cause i usually eyeball it lol but it works great!

We are at about 3 weeks in the ground. MLI and PP are 1 week older then all the others. I choose to plant early, i guess its something about those 10-12 ft monsters :weed: :hump:

This season has started off very very rocky for me... the first time I feed the seedlings, some animal proceeded to turn over all my cups trying to find the fish smell!!! I managed to only lose a few plants, but it really put them in shock. Then only 2 days after trasplanting them to outdoor I had a run in with a vicious leaf eating bug problem... I finally killed off everything with some diatomacious earth :evil:. On top of that we have had some very unusual weather this Spring. Its usually about 85 here this time of year, but for some reason its barely getting into the 70's. The grass in my yard hasnt even been growing the past few weeks. But the weather seems to be getting back to normal and things are progressing once again.

Questions and comments are welcome. :mrgreen:

Images from left to right: 3 MLI, 3NL, 3 more NL, 3 PP, 3 WW, 2 more WW



Well-Known Member
It seems i have killed whatever was eating my plant :mrgreen:

Still not happy with the weather... Lots of storms and tornadoes, more then usual. Oh and Sunday night it got down to 43! :-? Not normal around here... oh well i guess what doesnt kill them only makes them stronger hehe :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
well its been about 3 weeks since i last updated....103 views and no replies! :sleep:
everything is seems fine. rolling right along, lots of new growth! northern lights showing lots of bud sites already! Seems a little early to me?? If i had a better camera i would take a pic... maybe ill go buy one. Any one else have this experience?



NORTHERN LIGHTS PATCH 2 (one in back looks kinda dark)



WHITE WIDOW (tall girl 4ft already)

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Well-Known Member
Really pretty plants! How old were they when you transplanted them outdoors? I'll be following your grow, so dont give up the journal!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the comments guys. haha dont worry im not giving up the journal.

I usually wait until they are about 2-3 weeks from seed before i transplant them outside. As long as the plant is healthy it should survive the transplant.

Ill get some new pics with my crappy 4.1 pixel camera today if it stops raining lol.


Well-Known Member
7 weeks in ground.... maybe 8 haha :blsmoke: i dont keep track lol i just grow it. We are just 13 days from the summer solstice :mrgreen:

Some of the older fan leaves have started to yellow, so i did some pruning after i took a few pics. The red shiva has lots of bud sites with trichs starting to form :-P

Purple Power

Maple Leaf

Northern Light

Red Shiva

White Widow


Well-Known Member
Nope... soil was hot composted so its already high in nutrients, thats why i dont use any ferts. Dont want to take a chance and burn them or push them to nute lock. Flushing plants in the woods suck ass....

Although in the past i have tried experimenting with a foliar spray that contains Nitrozyme Growth Plus to help induce flowering, but i dont know if it helped or not lol. :?

This is my last outdoor grow, im currently setting up a S.O.G in and ebb & flow


Well-Known Member
What do you suspect is your average yield per plant outdoors from your past experiences?

I'm kinda confused about topping/fimming plants. Is this necessary outdoors if youre not worried about size?


Well-Known Member
If your not worried about size then no you can grow single cola if you would like. Its really a personal preference. As i dont feel that topping keeps plants that short. What month you plant will determine overall size. Late March-April for 10 foot monsters, Memorial Day-Junish for smaller plants.

Topping just makes the plant grow bushier, instead of one main cola you will have two.

As for yield, some people believe that topping will increase your overall yield. I have read, and also believe, that the overall yield
is determinded by the genes of that strain.

I have easily gotten 1lb/plant before, other seasons ive gotten maybe QtrLb/plant. Growing outside you never know tho..... last year i had deer mow down an entire patch to the ground, come to my suprise everything revegged and still flowered :weed: still got a couple ounces/plant.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm, thanks. I'll be growing 5-10 of the same strain. Maybe I'll top half of them as an experiment and see what happens.


Active Member
First off beautiful plants!!! Second do you do you use LST or some other type of training if you don't top them? And if you do how many weeks old are they when you start the training.


Well-Known Member
Thank you! They suprise me every visit lol.

I personally dont use LST as I dont have height issues. I see it being more useful indoors but I see no reason one couldnt use it to keep plants low outdoor. If i do any type of training its just topping. I acutally left a few of the Northern Lights single cola, I dont know why lol i guess i just got high and forgot.:blsmoke:

In regards to the second question... Im not fimilar with LST. But im sure you can find tons of info by using the SEARCH button. I dont want to take a blind guess and give you false info.


Well-Known Member

Last night we had 4.5 inches of rain and a killer lighting display! It oured its ass off. But, i had to spend most of the day today staking plants back up because the rain practically beat them to the ground!!

Might post some pics tomorrow if its a prettier day


Well-Known Member
Damn, sorry to hear about that. Storms are my biggest fear for my grow. I'm sure they'll pop back up when they see some light.


Well-Known Member
Yea I cringe everytime it storms. Especially when they have heavy buds...braches twist and snap at the main stem. Last year I had one split right down the middle. I took one of those bungie cords that have the plastic ball on them and bungied it back together. It survived until harvest time :mrgreen: Cannabis is an amazing plant!!


Well-Known Member
Nice plants i cant wait till mine are growing properly.
Id hate a storm, mine are planted like 6ft away from a massive oak tree so if it fell they would be annihalated.


Well-Known Member
Thanks jinmaster! Good luck on your grow.

I forgot to take my camera with me to the patch today... 2 of the Maple Leaf Indicas are male, possibly all 3. too early to tell on the last on though. Gotta go cut em down still so ill take pics tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Went to cut down maple leafs....but decided to wait just to be positve, not enough proof yet. Northern Lights is looking spectacular as always.

White Widow is starting to flower already as well.

Red Shiva were a free sample via amsterdammarijuanaseeds.com, they look pretty good so far....HUGE fan leaves

Nothing good to say about Purple Power yet. Hasnt impressed me...one has a genetic defect or something. All of its fan leaves only have one finger, if that makes any sence...:?

Took some pics instead



