Outdoor, Aug 5 and no sign of flower?


Active Member

Hey guys I've bee bringing them into the shed each night and taking them out at around 8:00 AM since it gets dark outside at 8:00 PM. I havent seen a noticeable difference but took close up pictures of the bud sites from all 3 plants. Am I gonna be okay?

I keep feeding it big bloom and tiger bloom. I've just done so much work with veg, and I have the time,I just want this to work for positive, counting on these plants for late September, early oct if its warm enough
I live in Washington grow outdoors lost some to mold last year cause harvest wasnt till near end of oct.. anyways I have been force flowering my plant this year. I'm on day 16.. here's a pic just taken, be patient it'll happen and as long as she is protected from alot of moisture she will be fine! Good luck keep us posted.