Outdoor Bagseed Grow


Active Member
Well I Started Germinating about 20 bagseed monday and some have sprouted but ill give it about 10 more hours or so befor i put them in tin mounin dew cans and be using miricle grow 3 month releasing(the whole process. When They Are 5-7 inches tall i will put them in 5 gallon buckets. the only light source ill be using is the natural sun.. pics comming soon of germination


Well-Known Member
Isn't it a bad idea to use soda cans? I heard the aluminum causes a bad reaction or something.. Plus I transplanted from 2 liter bottles into a pot with about 1/4 MG potting soil 3 month feed/ and 3/4 compost from outside.. and Holy Hell did they start to burn up from the MG..got some little holes in the leaves and yellowing in lots of areas until i flushed my 2 gallon pots with about 3 gallons of water.. either way lets see some pics when they sprout up!


Active Member
i guess i just use wat works for me i have used cans + miricle grow befor and havd a successful crop.. well i am getting rdy to plant 7 in the little cans now