Outdoor Basics?


Well-Known Member
So in preparation for next spring I am thinking of growing outdoors. Maybe some Low Life Auto Hindu Kush and another normal strain. So I have a couple questions:

1) What can I do to help keep pests/deer/animals from eating my plants? I heard of pissing around the area of your plants and laying dog shit down.

2) Can I use Fox Farm nutes to help outdoor plants, or is there a better outdoor nute selection?

3)Any basic tips on when to start or just basic tips in general to help get the best potential from my bud?

I was going to grow indoors this year but my apartment thing didn't work out. I am also planning on growing on somebody else's property (deep in the woods where the owner doesn't walk) for extra safety.


Well-Known Member
1. pissing is a natural action which is used to mark territory. the stronger the piss, the better. this is guna sound like a grungy hill-billy, but it works: pissing in a gallon jug, bringing it down there weekly and making a circle around the crop (not to close, the salt from the piss is harmful). with this method, i keep bears away.... (slugs cant stand the alkalinity after this also)

2. from everything i hear, Fox Farm nutes are great. just dont make the mistake so many others make and buy fertalizer soil. buy peatmoss/perlite/vermiculite (1 part each) and use that as the medium. the peatmoss has nutes, same with the vermiculite, and the perlite and vermiculite allow for oxygen to penetrate down deep, so roots can flourish.

3. it depends on where you are, the earlier the better. most people (as a general rule) start when the frost is gone, if you dont get frost well then...... but yea, one good frost= a crop of deadness. so keep up on yearly frosting times and such, figure out when its best for your region to plant.

the peatmoss/perlite/vermiculite so you have lots of air movement+ good drainage mixed with the fox farm nutes should be a sweet combo for a first timer.
dont use pots, plant in the ground. dig 3x2x2 (hight x width x length) so that the plants have loots of rooting space, and backfill it with the peatmoss nd stuff. the holes should be this big for each plant.

there are a couple threads around on securing your outdoor grow, i'll look for a good one for ya.


Well-Known Member
Nice thank you!

What about using that Ocean soil mix that Fox Farm makes? I'm only planning on growing 5-10 Low Life Hindu Kush and maybe one or two feminized bigger plants.


Well-Known Member
I have the same question, Is ocean soil from fox farm ok to use?

This is my plan for my grow next summer. Im going to plant as soon as possible like mid may (I'm in eastern Ontario), I'm going to dig a hole probably 3x2x2 and use the fox farm medium. I will use chicken wire around my plants (3-5) but have it spray painted green. I'm going to LST and maybe top im not sure though. My location is in a forested area with patches of green brush. I'm going to harvest around august or when ever the trichs say so :) I've got afew more tricks up my sleve but thats the basics. happy growing! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Ocean Soil is fine. But, do a mix. Mix up some perlite, vermiculite, soil, blood and bone, lime, worm castings... just get the ratio's right!

Plants love it!


Well-Known Member
the fox farm ocean forest is great stuff, the fish and crab meal make for alot of organic nutrients, which dont need to be flushed. the chemical fertalizer soils are the ones you want to avoid.

the humus, loam and peatmoss is a great combination, but you will still need perlite/vermiculite. i would personaly say perlite, just because it expands holding in moisture and the vermiculite is more for holding nutrients, but the soil takes care of that.

depending on what type of country your in with using bone/blood meal. if your in deer country its a good idea, deers HATE blood. if your in bear country on the other hand, dont use them.......the bears will uproot the crop looking for the decomposing body, which isen't there.......the fish/crab meal of ocean forest wont make them uproot.


Well-Known Member
I have the same question, Is ocean soil from fox farm ok to use?

This is my plan for my grow next summer. Im going to plant as soon as possible like mid may (I'm in eastern Ontario), I'm going to dig a hole probably 3x2x2 and use the fox farm medium. I will use chicken wire around my plants (3-5) but have it spray painted green. I'm going to LST and maybe top im not sure though. My location is in a forested area with patches of green brush. I'm going to harvest around august or when ever the trichs say so :) I've got afew more tricks up my sleve but thats the basics. happy growing! :mrgreen:
top at the 4'th node (so it splits into 2 main heads), then LST the plant as it grows to let light penetrate inner branches so that you get as many budsites as possible.

the trichomes will say ready in september at the earliest, plant in late aprill and get as much time in veg as possible, i planted on june 14'th and regretted it.


Well-Known Member
top at the 4'th node (so it splits into 2 main heads), then LST the plant as it grows to let light penetrate inner branches so that you get as many budsites as possible.

the trichomes will say ready in september at the earliest, plant in late aprill and get as much time in veg as possible, i planted on june 14'th and regretted it.

Yep, my plans exactly. I hate how the plant flowers so late, I wish I could have my herb for the summer! Oh well, hopefully it will be decent smoke.:mrgreen:bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
you can allways start in a greenhouse in march, then force flower in june :P. or buy a couple ruderalis/X so that they auto-flower and you can harvest multiple crops, i think there are a couple people on the forum doing that.

stoned and trying

Active Member
ruderalis is a strain... orignated in the mountains. it grows a single cola up the entire stalk,minimal branching. auto flowering to i think


Well-Known Member
cannabis ruderalis: an auto-flowering genus (genus of cannabis: indica, sativa, ruderalis, and 21 sub-species), which evolved in higher altitude or higher latitude regions of the world. the High levels of CDB force this genus to flower when it reaches a certain size, instead of a 14/10 light schedule. The high levels of CBD in ruderalis cause extremely low levels of THC, though through breeding a ruderalis and an indica, expert geneticists have been able to create plants which have equal levels of CBD and THC. :D


Well-Known Member
Yea, I heard to plant near a pine tree for extra safety but on my land there are not not a lot of well hidden places with pine trees. I did find one good spot with low bushes and open sky for the sun. Will Afghan look big and distracting if it's surrounded by 3-4 foot weeds and bushes? Will it stick out? I plan on just scattering germinated seeds here and there (not bunching plants close together) so it doesn't look too suspicious.


Well-Known Member
yea, afghan will stick out, its a very distinguishing plant because the leave coloring.

see how it "shines", savita can do this to....it can be very anoying.


Well-Known Member
everyone likes auto-flowering because it means you can harvest more than one crop/year outdoor. i harvested 4 times so far this year, at 2 week intervals......once at the begining of of summer , and 2 weeks later (every 2 weeks) untill the "main" harvest (another 3~ weeks). i basicly dident have to buy pot this year, except for a 3 weeks stint JUST before the first harvest.

indica's usualy hide quite nicely with bushie greens. indica/sativa hybreds work just as well, auto flowering dont get big (like a foot or 2 tall) so they can be hidden almost....anywhere... just dont get sativa unless you have shiny plants around to cover the sativa.