Outdoor came Indoor and got skinned naked repeatedly

Bud Brewer

Well-Known Member
Do you want to see how I took this and turned this

It into this 4'h x 3'w x 2.5' deep each with a couple of weeks to go

I will challenge many people's preconceived beliefs In many ways.

I started flowering at 14 hours and reduced it by a half hour a week down to 10.5 and plan on taking the top ripe buds and bring the light back up to 14 hours and feed my homemade fermented veg fertilizer not aerated tea for a bit of a reveg so I can get a another big crop off these plants again since I have this big root zone.

I trained these plant with defoliation only and did it repeatedly in veg and once three weeks in flower and about to do It again today to open up the canopy and let light hit the buds shaded in the canopy.

I have a unique 3 foot by 6 foot shield for my vertical 1000 watt metal halide that I use for flowering and I veg with a 400 watt HPS plus CFL'S with homemade over sized bat wing beer can hoods and customized security lights.

Even my heating ventilation is strange I have a heating duct blowing directly down the middle of my plants once an hour or so I live in a cold place and they are loving it.

So if you want to come along for this ride just keep checking it out I have tons of pictures from day one to now a couple of weeks to go so I will start the show soon.

Bud Brewer

Well-Known Member
I feed with fermented concentrated organics like most of the bottled organic you buy but much cheaper.

Alfalfa from a pet store for like 6 bucks lasts for ever and works great npk of 5-3 1 2 perfect for MJ.

I put two cups of water in a blender a capfull/tbs apple cider vinegar, a b-complex vitamin, a salmon oil cap, a tbs molasses, a tsp epsom salt half a teaspoon of aquarium sea salt then I keep adding alfalfa hay into the blender and blend till I have 3 cups total in the blender one being alfalfa. Then pour into a gallon milk jug wash out the blender but put all of it in the gallon jug then fill but leave an inch or more for it to ferment shake every day don't cap it tight.

It can be used right away but much better if fermented for a couple of weeks it will get nice and stinky but then mellow a bit with low ph then use 1-4 cup of the concentrate to a gallon.

I also do the same thing with shake leaf, oatmeal. coffee or earth worm casings just shake up the concentrate really good so some sediment is in every cup so there isn't much left at the end it can be used as top dressing it works great the oatmeal and EWC are balanced NPK for late flowering and as a change during veg the others are high nitrogen.

I use more alfalfa for most of my feeding because of the growth hormones, with these set concentrates you can feed every time adjusting the strength as the plant gets bigger.

You can do the same thing with any organic amendment it will need time to break down just blend like I described so it will be consistent.

Also I have given milk 2 tbs to a gallon it is a balanced npk for flower.

These are the pictures from the first and second post It won't let me edit to put the pictures back so this was from the first post

The second post pics



Well-Known Member
This thread makes me want an Ice Tea with lemon...and a joint. lol

Amazing buds dude, doubly amazing after what those plants looked like at the start. Went against everything I expected.


Well-Known Member
im kind of in the same situation. moved from outdoors to indoors and just started a batch from seed using heavy defol for the first time. i actually just defol'ed my pants tonight but im going to do 4 under 700 some odd watts of leds in coco soiless. thats about all that we have in common though, the rest of the stuff youre doing is out of my league. nice job

Bud Brewer

Well-Known Member
Defoliation works but you shouldn't feed for a couple of days and remove the leaf over a couple of days these are thing I found helpful.

Bud Brewer

Well-Known Member
Ok time to get this reverse grow show going you have seen the plants as they are now almost ready for the chop and they are fat healthy girls.

The first picture seems unbelievable to see the plant stripped down like that but the leaves grow back fast from the small branches.

I got these with a gallon root ball of tired old heavy garden soil I should have washed it off.

I didn't thinking it wouldn't be to bad but it was the light soil at the bottom would dry out faster the top was always wet so after using moisture meters and picking up 4 gallons of soil to figure it's weight I drilled one hole 2 inches up and did them hempy style the bottom soil was 60% coco 20% compost 10% peat based soil 10 % perlite but hempy still worked good.

These are the plants before and after the first defoliation and note the lack of branching.

Then after a couple of defoliation's and weeks I had the structure to really start branching with density.


Bud Brewer

Well-Known Member
This is the same pic as the last post right before I defoliated again

then stripped

Then 70 hours later the leaf mass is back from all the tiny leaf becoming branches with fan leaves

Bud Brewer

Well-Known Member
I guess nobody cares about growing large bushes I just did the chop

Now the second plant

I still have at least an oz of popcorn on each plant that are still 3 feet high and just about as wide it should give me just about as much bud with no veg time.


Bud Brewer

Well-Known Member
Thanks people fear and will fight against anything new it only took us four centuries to finally believe the world was round Galileo spent twenty years in prizon because he refused to keep telling the lie.

Don't believe everything you read and don't dismiss anything ether find out for yourself it's the only way to get experience.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
This flies in the face of everything I have ever learned, but pics are worth 1000 words. I've seen others who "claimed" this kind of results, but never actually seen anything that would compare to this. TRULY a magnificent job. Thank you for giving me something to think about here! I am re-evaluating my position on the subject. Next time someone asks about defoliation, I'll use you as an example of how wrong I can be. I STILL believe that this should be done only by those with the experience, but I'll never again say that it is a futile exercise.