Outdoor Clones. 08' Late Start. {PICS} -Skitzotic


Well-Known Member
Ok well, i got 2 female clones, Tere not looking so hot right now, Lol, the person didnt take very good care of them, But there not that bad. I took one out of the cup and mixed some good soil i was using for Tomatoes. And mixed some horse manure in. And Lots of perlite. Also, i put perlite all over the top of the soil to hold in moisture. Is this a good idea? That one is going outside during the day, and under CFL's at night. i have 1 40 watt, and 2 23 watt CFL's. This is just until flowering. The other is staying outside. I cant transplant it now because of lack of doil. But i will be this weekend, im getting organic soil. I gave both of them A few rocks of Penningtons Tomato and Vegetable food. Its slow release shit, The NPK is 9-12-12. And it worked good for Me. before so. They are both rootbound. But. I Transplanted that one. It will explode with growth soon. as soon as the roots untangle and shit. I cant fuckin wait!!! Well, heres the pics. Lemme Know what you think? And please feel free to subscribe and Post. I'd appreciate it, I'll take all the help i can get. Plant #1 is pic 1 and 2. Plant #2 are Pics 3 and 4. Oh yah, and i will also be foliar feeding. With really weak nutes.



Well-Known Member
"because of lack of doil" .. ha O'doil RULES! looks good man hope 2 perks up a little bit .. go buy some samn doil ... well anyway i'll stay posted on this one


Well-Known Member
Lol why? There outdoor plants for the most part, The sunlight will be plent efficent bro. No worries. I had one plant before doin fuckin KILLER only under the CFL's


Well-Known Member
Yah i know its getting late fast, But, i aint to worried about it, i'll still get some bud either way. If i can manage to get my 150w HPS I can also flower for longer, so i'll be all set


Well-Known Member
Ok well, I found out these clones are Leda Uno Clones. If someone with experience wth this strain culd help me, I'd much appreciate it


Well-Known Member
Ok, well. I topped them both. No growth yet. i think they just need to adjust to there new enviroment. Leda Uno, Sounds exotic ;P Typooooo rama! fixed it ;P Im fuckin blazed
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Well-Known Member
ur doing everything wrong no one just wants to tell you ... sorry man .. :/ .. HAHA just messing .. i bet you'll get bigger yields than i do if i even get a female .. ugh


Well-Known Member
Well, some enw growth is getting started on them right now. Once they start to fill out a little i'll post some pics. Clone #1's Leaves are kind of yellowish, and there curved down a little bit, im not sure why. Can anyone help?


Well-Known Member
I think it takes a little longer then that. But. im not sure, But there lookin good. Ive found i cat root clones for shit, Yett