Outdoor, container, West Central FL questions


Well-Known Member
I've got a friend that I donated a few beans to for them to try their hand at a small grow. They got a couple photos and a couple autos. They do not have the capability to grow indoors. If they are wanting to grow in containers, is it dumb to pop beans now? Can a plant still finish this year outdoors in FL? I have seen multiple mentions of humidity and mold in FL. Any low cost, outdoor methods to curb that? Or is the only option to find and grow a mold resistant strain and be vigilant about keeping an eye on it? The goal is a test run in 5 gallon buckets to see if it's a hobby they would like to pursue or not. Also, if they can supplement their monthly medical costs with homegrown product, that would obviously be a perk as well.
Where there is a will there is a way. Some supplemental lighting can extend the veg of his photos and some fans can help prevent mold.
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@TCH, nice hearing from you.

I grow outdoor in FL, in 5 gal fabric pots, both sativa and indica.

The technique I use is never water those ladies in the late morning or afternoon. The soil must be dry or close to being dry by nightfall, otherwise mold will grow.
I always water in the morninigs, early, no later that 9:am, usually around 7 while having morning coffee. This gives the soil time to dry out by nightfall.
I only water the ladies when they need it, I read the leaves, when they start to droop, I water the next morning.
When I feed, its usually half an hour or so after watering, the soil is still wet and the food will stay in the wet soil and not drain to the bottom of the pot.
Another thing about Florida, when the plants go into flower and the buds are forming, I will spread the buds open, gently of course, to let air-flow into the buds. This is especially required for those plants that have thick and large cola's.

Our heat over the past month has been in the mid to high 90's, so far the heat doesn't seem to be hurting them. They just require watering more often.

Hope your friend has a good crop.

Don't forget to call sometime.