[Outdoor] First outdoor grow. (Exodus Cheese | Lemon Kush)


Hi guys, posting up my first outdoor grow and where it's at, almost ready to cut!

Sorry it's a bit jumpy, didn't intend on doing a journal since I had no idea what I was doing outdoors.

Originally planted 6 seeds in the box with the intention of trying to SCROG outdoors, but went away for 10 days at christmas, 4 had died and 2 had somehow flourished and grown well over a ft in that time.

All of the seeds were feminized, originally planting 3 Afghani's, 2 lemon kush's and 1 Exodus Cheese, though the seeds were also 4-5 years old and not kept overly great.


I had intended to start them under lights for a few weeks and then transition them outdoors, but the lights died so I had to put them outside, decided to not give a crap and put them in the soil.

All 6 cracked, but one was eaten by snails and the other 3 died when I was away.

After I went away for Christmas I came back and the Exodus had shot up massively, gaining at least a ft and the lemon had gained a bit as well, though it never quite took off, I think due to it's position the Cheese stole a lot of her light.

Exodus Cheese:

Lemon Kush:

Week 11

Skip forward 10 weeks and we're 2-3 weeks into flower.
The Exodus cheese has really taken off, and not remotely showing it's characteristic of vine like branches, easily supporting itself with no assistance. The lemon kush however is sadly dwarved behind the Cheese sadly missing out on a lot of light.

Exodus Cheese:
(Sorry for shit photo, like I said didn't intend to do a journal so had to source photos from everywhere)

Lemon Kush:
Gone for a beer. (No pics, sorry)

Week 17

Now 9'ish weeks into flower, the cheese has some really nice buds coming along. Unfortunately the lemon is lacking behind a touch though is still beginning to produce some nice looking buds.

Exodus Cheese:
Mar_2-ExoCheese.jpg Mar_2-ExoCheese_2.jpg Mar_7-ExoCheese.jpg Mar_7-ExoCheese_2.jpg

Lemon Kush:
MIA (Next time I'll take more pics haha, sorry)

Week 18

10-11 weeks into flowering, think the cheese is getting to the end of her life, flowers are beginning to fill out fast and hairs are turning. lemon is beginning to pack on some dense buds now and fill out. I pulled the cheese over a bit to let some more light into the back of the cheese and to the lemon.

Exodus Cheese:
Mar_17-ExoCheese_2.jpg Mar_17-ExoCheese_4.jpg
Lemon Kush:

Few more pics in next post.
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Lemon Kush:
Mar_17-Lemon_3.jpg Mar_17-Lemon_4.jpg

The Lemon is lagging behind a bit, and I really want to cut them down soon so hoping it catches up pretty quickly.

Can't wait to cut down the Exodus cheese though!

Will keep this post updated over the next few weeks.
Epic plants man, I have a bush growing in a pot, and its shape is like a christmas tree, its tricky coz i want to wire it so the middle of the bush gets more light but the pot is concrete, so i duno how im gonna wire the branches down now to get more light. What do you do to make sure the middle of the bush gets sun for buds? Im worried coz i feel all the buds in the middle of the plant that dont get as much light are just gona waste the energy
Epic plants man, I have a bush growing in a pot, and its shape is like a christmas tree, its tricky coz i want to wire it so the middle of the bush gets more light but the pot is concrete, so i duno how im gonna wire the branches down now to get more light. What do you do to make sure the middle of the bush gets sun for buds? Im worried coz i feel all the buds in the middle of the plant that dont get as much light are just gona waste the energy

With this one I didn't do much, I only have indoor experience, this was the first time I'd ever had a crack at outdoors since my ballast blew and I gave away my lights. Up until it started flower I just let her go, then I pulled the top over a bit to let light to the back of the plant and the plant behind it. But if I was to do this again and put more effort in I'd thin out the leaves a little, remove lower foliage and only really worry about what's exposed on the outside of the plant.

The inner buds don't usually get enough light to form super well regardless, I trim off the ones that aren't going to get enough light and that way the energy from those can go into the crowns.
The Exodus Cheese is coming to the end of it's life, couple more days and she should be at about 70% red hairs. Don't have a loupe sadly :( Also stripped her back of all large fan leaves and started prepping it for trimming and drying

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Nice man that looks amazing growing weed has to be one of the most rewarding growing experiences. Even if you don't smoke, the different genetics, colors, smells. Epic af
Exodus is down, dried weight is 411g, the damn heat decided to make my buds nice and airy but the exodus seems to of shielded the lemon so it's nice and dense, the cheese nugs aren't much to look at, very light and airy, but smokes great!
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The lemon is looking extremely healthy, nice big dense boulders with a solid crown.

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