Outdoor Flowering early issue, I'm an idiot, Help


Well-Known Member
So I recently moved, got my own house and am trying my hand at a small outdoor crop. Because of global warming, it I started my garden early and threw some girls out there and then been a little busy, went out of town, I came back and they have started flowering. I know they will re-veg in about a month but thats an ugly process, am I better off just chopping the plant way down or just cutting off the bud sites?


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On the flip side my indoor garden is doing amazing, ugh I got too much going on it's hard to keep track....


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Put a frame around it pull a tarp over it over night and take it off in the am to maintain a standard 12/12 light cycle as you would inside that will keep her in bloom. If you wanna run 2 crops a season it is best to have your spring crop vegged out over winter to go out sooner or run autos in the spring
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They will be fine. And will finish the same time regardless so no need to chop them till it’s harvest time. Re-veg will help create tons of branches for more colas so just let them do their thing. On a side note global warming is not real. The world has warmer years and colder years. Maybe the seasons are changing times in areas but the world is not warmer than it was in fact it was colder this year than it was many years ago and it goes in cycle. Global warming is one of the biggest Heist right beside the turdens
Put a frame around it pull a tarp over it over night and take it off in the am to maintain a standard 12/12 light cycle as you would inside that will keep her in bloom. If you wanna run 2 crops a season it is best to have your spring crop vegged out over winter to go out sooner or run autos in the spring
that would be what i would do if it were bigger, but the whole reason i am outside is to get a huge crop I wanted to start with a good jump start so I started it inside a month ago, If i flowered now and started from spring i feel like i'd be wasting a lot, I mean I get inside where there is a diminishing return due to light restraints, I have no such problem outside...well I would assume not, Thinking I could really shape a monster.....

I'm thinking maybe I'll let the tiny ones re-veg and keep the largest one in a tomato cage wrapped in tarp...I'll let you guys know how to goes
Go ahead and finish this small bloom have a lil something to get you though summer if they done before July then she should have 6ish weeks to reveg to come down in the fall.
You could run a veg light over them for a few hrs before/after sunrise/set and get them started on the reveg if your gonna disrupt a bloom best to do it sooner rather then later