Outdoor Godbud/Kush 2008 grow


Active Member
Just got some shots of my babies. These were started inside under 400 watt hps, in an ebb and flow system, in rockwool cubes in early may. Growth was stunted a few times due to getting the bugs worked out in my ebb and flow system. I transplanted them to an outdoor plot in mid june.
I had the idea to start low stress training them about 2 weeks ago.
With only a few broken tops:cry:, the training seems to be coming along nicely.
Some of them are really starting to bush out on the bottom.:mrgreen:



Active Member
Here's a few more...They are about 2 weeks from flower.
The center of this one is looking a bit pale...is this normal?
This plant in particular is paler then the others due to stress, but
they are all getting a bit brighter in the middle?



Active Member
Here's one of the stems that broke while training...my own fault as they were almost 2 and a half feet when i started to train them!...a bit late...lol... but everything seems to be in order except for the yellowing.
The second pic is a better shot of all of them, along with some other shots.
What you think?

