outdoor grow and tropical storm faye


Active Member
ive got a plant growing outside and although faye isnt here yet it will be getting here soon.... my question is my plant is about 1 or 2 weeks into flower and im concerned about all this rain we are supoposed to be getting in the next week.... what should i do? should i bring her indoors or leave her outside till the rain gets here and then bring her in ? im new to the growing game and all help will be appreciated in this matter


we had a tropical storm a few years ago and the wind and rain were so intense that it totally destroyed my outdoor plants. either bring em in if you can when it gets windy or put some kind of cover over it to protect it from wind and intense rain.
another year i had plants outside nice bushes full of buds and then it started raining. i diddnt want to pick the buds because they were wet from rain but i diddnt want to leave em. i thought when the rain lets up i'll give em a day and then pick so i dont get mold. well the rain diddnt let up for like 2 weeks and all the buds were waterlogged and ruined watch out.