Outdoor grow help


Active Member
Hello everyone so am planning a auto grow outdoors, going to be going with auto sweet tooth due to high yield. I'll get 3 seeds and start 1 near the end of this month and the rest a few weeks after, just have a few questions atm. Because their autos I dont want to be transplanting them into the ground outdoors but because its quite early in the year I was wanting to keep the plant indoors till its about 5 inches with good leaf growth, and then take them outdoors. Now my patch is a couple miles away and I dont have transport so I cant put them into big 2-3 gallon pots and then take them out when their ready because its too risky more than anything, but if I put them straight into the ground from seed then I'm worried they wont grow properly due to the cold etc. Lowest night temps atm are about 40F, with the peak day temperatures being about 45F, but when I am ready to begin I should be looking at around 45F for the nights and about 50 for the day period.

What would you guys suggest I do?
I suggest you wait and start them indoors in a few weeks so when you bring them out there you can just stick them in the ground. Don't bring out pots and shit just put them in the ground. If you want to keep them in pots then just grow them inside.
But isnt transplanting damaging to the plant? Pretty much everywhere I'v read grow the seed in whatever you want to harvest from. So thats my dilemma really, cant take pots out and cant put the seed into the ground.. and growing inside past the few weeks stage is not a option either