Outdoor grow in San Francisco


Well-Known Member
I'm growing 5 plants outdoors in my back yard in San Francisco. I have a rich neighbor with a deck that overlooks most of my yard. My plants are small right now and hidden by a tree. Later in the season I'm pretty sure my plants will be in full view of my neighbors deck. If she decides to call the cops on me do I have to be worried about being arrested. In SF they say you can have 24 plants and I only have 5.
I've had my card for 3 or 4 years. Am I safe? I think I am but still a little worried.

1950 Cablisora



Active Member
Put up some green chickenwire fencing that blocks line of sight to your plants, or just tell your neighbour you're a MMJ patient and you have 5 plants in your graden.


Well-Known Member
I'm growing 5 plants outdoors in my back yard in San Francisco. I have a rich neighbor with a deck that overlooks most of my yard. My plants are small right now and hidden by a tree. Later in the season I'm pretty sure my plants will be in full view of my neighbors deck. If she decides to call the cops on me do I have to be worried about being arrested. In SF they say you can have 24 plants and I only have 5.
I've had my card for 3 or 4 years. Am I safe? I think I am but still a little worried.

1950 Cablisora

Your safe, as long as your a valid MJ card holder, and you are following the guidelines :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Safe from a guilty verdict and probably cop harassment... not safe against your neighbor calling the cops on you, so get ready for that possibility :) Even if they come out and look and say 'no problem' it still may happen. I'd make sure your grow is secured in whatever method is demanded by the city some have extra rules for what you need to do to prevent unauthorized access.

Does your neighbor have children? Seems unlikely someone in SF with no young kids would have an issue but if they got kids or teens they might not be too thrilled


Active Member
It also depends on the Neighborhood For example Twin Peaks Area. But not the mission district or Soma( South of market).
I'd be wary if you consider hunters point San Francisco as well. Totally safe in the upper haight area.

Id say most san fran residents dont care.


Well-Known Member
I'm growing 5 plants outdoors in my back yard in San Francisco. I have a rich neighbor with a deck that overlooks most of my yard. My plants are small right now and hidden by a tree. Later in the season I'm pretty sure my plants will be in full view of my neighbors deck. If she decides to call the cops on me do I have to be worried about being arrested. In SF they say you can have 24 plants and I only have 5.
I've had my card for 3 or 4 years. Am I safe? I think I am but still a little worried.

1950 Cablisora

No you do not have to worry about the police if you are a legal MMJ patient. What you have to worry about, is your neighbor telling others or showing others. Word will spread like wildfire. I hope you have good security for your plants. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the responses. My backyard borders two neighbors backyards. One is a young family with two young kids and the other is an older couple with $$. So I'm not to worried about my plants getting ripped off. I dont think the


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure one neighbor is not gonna be happy about the smell that is gonna come soon.
You should really grow indoors - that takes the neighbor out of the equation also will help against getting robbed. If I were a nonsmoker with a young kid I probably would not be thrilled about my nextdoor neighbor growing a bunch of weed in his backyard either. If the neighbor is really not going to be happy you're heading for a potential neighbor war/cop harassment.


Active Member
Whereabouts in SF do you live ?......district wise not street or anything . I can tell you that from growing in our great city for 12 years now that the only thing to really worry about is some little rascal spotting your grow and taking it. If you have a growers card you are fine . Always remember that there are many fulltime slackers and homeless around the place with nothing to do and nothing to lose .


You can make a canopy from window screen or garden screen. Your neighbor will only see the canopy not you're plants in plain view.


Well-Known Member
I'm in glen park. The neighbors that can see into my yard are older couples. 60s im guessing. I guess the only thing that i could see happenng if they had a family get together and some of the younger kids saw it and tried to steel them from me(i really dont see this happening).

Thanks for the replies. I feel safer now.
I have had my mm rec for 3-4 years but the only thing ive used it for is to get into dispensaries I've never had to show it to a cop.

90210 Brandon Walsh


Well-Known Member
I went to a new dispensary today and asked the dude at the front about growing MMJ outdoors. He said in San Francisco it is ILLEGAL to grow outdoors. I'm gonna call a lawyer tommorow and see if I can get the truth.