Outdoor grow in Tropics with Mesh Tent


Well-Known Member

I have a grow tent in the house, and I'm doing hydroponics (DWC) in it, but I also decided to use my yard and to setup a "grow tent" outside. Maybe in Coco Coir, or is Soil better?

Since I live in the tropics (Thailand), and heat and humidity are extreme here, shade would be around 91f, while in the sun temperatures go up to 104+f, with humidity between 60-80%. Since the rainy season is approaching, the humidity will go even higher. So if I plant now, it's going to switch to flower during the rainy season.

For the setup, I was thinking of doing this mesh greenhouse setup, something like this:


It's a mesh net, I presume made out of canvas of some kind.

The idea is to stop the sun from burning the plants, and to prevent bugs from eating them. The heat from the sun here is extreme.
Most people stay away from the afternoon sun, or use umbrellas to protect themselves from it. I never grew cannabis in such a climate, and I'm afraid it will just die if I don't do something about heat intensity (mesh tent).

Did anybody try this, is it a good idea, or should I just grow it with no tent, out in the open?

Thank you
I like the net for keepings pests out. With proper plant health, root health, and given then high humidity I would think the heat is the least of your worries. What worries me the most is when you say, "it's going to switch to flower during the rainy season." If rain continues to be a "thing" into mid-late flower, botrytis and pm could be a potential issue that would be catastrophic to your harvest.
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All you need is a genetic adapted already to your climate and it'll work out fine. Thai sativa landraces are world-renowned and can grow without any help, plus I doubt the sun will be so plentiful during the rainseason, due to clouds.
I forgot to mention that I ordered seeds from RQS... so they are not Thai sativas.

White Widow
Sour Diesel
Amnesia Haze
Northern Lights

I'm afraid none of them seems fit for Thai climate (compared to the original Thai strain).

Rainy season is what worries me the most. It would be really damp here in about 2 to 3 months, though it's impossible to predict how damp really as every rainy season is different. Also, if I put some kind of hard roof during rain, that will block the light which is already going to be sparse because of the cloud coverage.

People are growing outdoors all year round, and I'm wondering how are they managing that considering the amount of rain we receive between August and October.
Your conditions seems almost ideal, bud you definitely need to avoid rain in buds. I would try open sides with only mesh to keep insekts out and roof made of glass or polycarbonate. And preventive use of something like "Pythium oligandrum" .
Yeah, this mesh tent was made for something other than ganja, so i would loose the shelves.
Was just wondering how much effect the mesh net would have on the light, and if anybody tried it. Also as prevention from insects.

Just contemplating my options as I'm very limited for indoor space.
Yeah, this mesh tent was made for something other than ganja, so i would loose the shelves.
Was just wondering how much effect the mesh net would have on the light, and if anybody tried it. Also as prevention from insects.

Just contemplating my options as I'm very limited for indoor space.
Lose the walls as they don't breath or allow air flow. Keep the top to keep rain off your buds. Put sunscreen mesh on the walls, it will allow air to flow thru.
I have used an old carport frame. Cover the roof with plastic and the walls with sunscreen mesh. works well...good luck
carport 5-25-2015 001 (1).JPG