Outdoor Grow Questions?


Well-Known Member
well i live in the north East side of the usa.

i just planted my seeds that were germinated on 4/20.

how long if at all will it take my plants to grow and flower?
Yeah. its outside. the plants are about 3 inches tall now. im new at this and i was just wondering b/c i dont know how long/short the grow season is here
All depends. All plants grow at diff rates. It could get 3 feet to 20 feet. How much direct sunlight a day will it be recieveing? What Nutes and Plant food are involved? What strain is it? Will it be in Pot or Ground? Specifics is what i need to answer this Q properly.

Well me and my buddy invested in some buds one day. came out with like 5 seeds from a Quater pound. germenated them. thier outside in the ground. the soild is very rich. it would recive most of the sun light throughout the day. i check on the spot at diff. times to make sure it would get light.

idk? what strain it is. the buds we had were fluffy and pretty big that we got the seeds from.

thier growing straight in the ground. and about the nuits..what would happen if i didnt use any. just kept it well water'd b/c like i said the soil is already rich.
Like i said. im a 1st timer and i am very interested in growing the plant.i would call it love. lol.

but i need all the help i can get. ty guys for helping.
he already said he didn't know what strain. I'm glad we all read here and don't just smoke all the time. ha If you keep watering them and they get light they should grow.
I would have started them indoors under some fluorescents for a couple weeks.

Yours seem like they are growing faster than mine. I germed on 420 also and mine are just poking through the soil
look up when the summer solstice is- the longest day of the year. After that the days get shorter and that will induce flowering, the plants should be done before the first frost.


i just put 6 more seedlings in the ground. thats 9 plants total.

hopfully we get a good amount of females.

if you have any questions or sugg. feel free to ask.
G' luck. I have had mine outddors for almost 2 weeks. The growth is amazing. You can't compete with the sun:-)

so even if i was too plant seeds from shitty buds (wich i didnt) would it grow to be some good buds if i keep them healthy and what not?
so even if i was too plant seeds from shitty buds (wich i didnt) would it grow to be some good buds if i keep them healthy and what not?
No, quality does have a lot to do with how you grow, harvest, and cure but a seed can only be so good. Before I go any further let me say this, just because a seed comes from some killer doesn't mean it will be killer, it depends on what pollinated that plant just as much as it depends on the plant itself.... So if some killer was growing, and some bullshit male was growing near by and pollinated the killer female, you could get a seed with most of it's traits from the male and end up with bullshit, or vice versa.... I hope this helps you out. Are all nine plants above ground now, and how big?
he already said he didn't know what strain. I'm glad we all read here and don't just smoke all the time. ha If you keep watering them and they get light they should grow.
I would have started them indoors under some fluorescents for a couple weeks.

Yours seem like they are growing faster than mine. I germed on 420 also and mine are just poking through the soil

haha a little bit drunk when i posted
hey skunk i am also in the northeast, i have grown outside on various occasions, you wont need nutes or tons of water outdoors up here due to the amount of humidity we usually get the dew is usually pretty thick(at least where i am) the sunlight is pretty strong and should (provided you have them in direct sunlight) be more than enough, i personally like growing in the woods so it's important to find a clear area where even if the sunlight is filtered you still get at least 12 hours of light a day.

I know reading things on here make it look painfully complex, but it is a "weed" after all, they grow wild as well as any other plant.

as far as comments with the bagseed strain and such i have never used any known strain, i've always grown from bagseed, its just luck, i've grown seeds i've taken from headies that have produced shitty lil buds and i've also used shwag seeds and grown serious nugs, im not saying i know a lot about growing, but i will say that there's not a lot that you can do to kill them, they're very hearty plants, they don't need much to make you happy.

Good luck-
