Outdoor grow sativa


New Member
This is my first time growing, outdoors with a sativa strain.. I planted in potted soil from seeds.. vegged for 3 months then started to flower.. I have two unknown strains since they don't look anything alike.. plus I haven't been using any fertilizers since I started.. I put a 20 20 20 in there last week for the first time.. but the buds are very airy and loose.. they aren't getting fatter.. I just wanted to know how I'm doing so far.. I have 1 pic from the top.. I can add other pics to the other one soon..IMG-20160519-WA0025.jpeg ]
Congratulations bro, looking good (I think). It's my first time growing too so I'm no expert. I read earlier that someone feeds blackstrap molasses during the flowering stage and it produces bigger, healthier buds so I might try doing that if and when I get to that stage.
I know sativas are usually more longer skinnier buds but still shouldn't be too airy. I think you just got to give it more time to bulk up didn't you say you just put it in the flowering cycle a week ago??
I know sativas are usually more longer skinnier buds but still shouldn't be too airy. I think you just got to give it more time to bulk up didn't you say you just put it in the flowering cycle a week ago??

They are actually in their 6th week of flowering