outdoor growing

Ms. Tiny

my plants are about 3 weeks old. I'm just wondering if there is anything i should do other than just let the sun take care of them or what. I use Neme Oil for pest control and a special peat moss from the grow store.


Hmm. Maybe some organic nutrients to give them during feeding? Peat moss should be fine. Worm castings are great I hear. At least for organic growers. Im newb too but ive picked up some good literature by greg green and jorge cervantes. I find having a guide at your side is great. Do you have any pictures? Give them another week before you give nutrients. Oh yah and protect against other things like squirrelsn ' birds


Well-Known Member
If they're in the ground you can apply a mulch, you could also dig a basin so when it rains or when you apply a drench it all goes directly to the root zone. You can also add a tomato cage or a pole so when the winds come they don't snap your big ass trees in half. There is actually a lot you can do.