outdoor growshed in the winter... HELP!!


Well-Known Member
so this summer was my first grow... and we kinda messed up... but thats a story in itself... but we built a shed (4'x8'x8') without a roof to let in light, so no one could gain access but us. well were almost ready to harvest and we came o think how could we use this in the winter. this brought forth several issues.

a) Temperature- we in the south so its not too bad, but it can be kinda bad. it gets as low as 20f on bad days, but averages about 30-40. we thought about several insulations (fiberglass, styrofoam, etc.) and we would need a way to regulate it, but i need y'alls input on that.
b) Electricity- we have no power source. bottom line. we thought about generators but that would be too noisy, costly, etc. we also thought of running a extension cord underground from some surrounding houses, but that would be like leaving a trail of crumbs... any ideas?
c) Light- We thought about putting a plexiglass roof on but would this trap enough heat? would it trap too much? would the light/dark cycle provide enough light? also, we thought about getting that fiberglass insulation with mylar on one side, or just mylar or whatever. again, just give me your thoughts...

those are just the main 3, we can cover the rest. but just give me your thoughts... i'll try to post pics later, but i dont have a dig camera and i dont tink my buddy does either. uhh... if you think of any other potential problems, let me know... im a noob, this was my first grow.... like i said, we had 25 seedlings total (not all at once), and we only have 2 females....
If you were to plant anything in the winter, it would go right into flower. If you could veg inside for a while, then put it out, it might work.