Outdoor Guerilla Grow Journal (Ladyburn 1974, White Widow)


New Member
Hey everyone, what's going on!? I'm new here, I have a bit of experience and I look forward to the adventures. SOOOOOO...

It's that time of year again and seeing as I haven't been able to grow for the last 4 years, it's sure to be enjoyable.

Here's the the details!

Strains: Ladyburn 1974, White Widow (Afghan Hybrid soon to come)

Medium: Soil. ( Seedling/Veg soil, Sheep Manure, Coco, Bone Meal and outdoor soil (from grow spot). *All mixed in a preffered way.

Indoor/Outdoor: Indoor Veg - Outdoor Flower

These three ladies I am going to post pictures of were placed into a cup on May.1st to germinate and are now at week #3 of growth under a 24hr fluoro. I am top feeding and bottom feeding with a light nutrient solution mixed from the GH Line.

The Ladyburn 1974 is a White Widow/Jack Herer strain with a high THC content and a low CBD content, feminized and purchased from a seedbank. .The White Widow is from bagseed and the Afghan is also from bagseed. The widow came from a reputable source and I believe in it's solid genetics 100%. The Afghan Hybrid is from some very pleasant smoke I had that I'm 100% sure has Afghan in it's genetics.

The LB and WW seem to be liking their environment a lot right now and I will be moving them outside in the next few weeks, I also just topped them today. Should see a noticeable difference within a a few days. The Afghan's are currently germinating.

Here are some pictures of the ladies Yesterday.

Left - LB 1974 Middle and Right - White Widow
IMAG0445.jpg Ladyburn 1974
IMAG0441.jpg Ladyburn 1974
IMAG0441.jpg White Widow, White Widow

These pictures are from today. I watered them a bit and took them out of the pots and re-potted them in their same pots but raised the soil higher so they didn't sit in the pot so deep. I also moved the light up higher so they would stretch just a a little wee bit, personal preference on how I want to shape my ladies.


Looking forward to hearing back!

