Outdoor Guerilla UK Super Auto 1st Grow


This is my first grow so i thought id document it to keep track and to maybe get some help if i run into any problems on the grow which are likely with the first grow
. In my hours of research these forums have been VERY helpful so i thought id try and put something back. I chose to do the auto route as to try and avoid the wet later months so to try and avoid the liklihood of mould. I went with 4 strains with one seed of each, I got Flash Seed's Nirvana Sky and Annapurna and i bought Short Stuff's Himalaya Blue Diesel and the Super Cali-Haze. I have used the paper towel method to germinate and it is currentley about 30 hours since they were put in and they are starting to split and tap roots imerging.

Everyone is welcome to contribute, advise and follow.
Thanks RIU and lets see how this one goes
Here are some pics to be getting on with.
The Packaging.
The individual bags with labels.
And the seeds in paper towels in DVD case.
The HBD, Super Cali-Haze and the Nirvana Sky all split and showed taproots but the Annapurna hadnt so i soaked and cracked it and hopefully thatll work, i was expecting to not have a 100% germ rate for a first go, but as i only have when i have to plant etc. i will be potting the seeds today and i will plant the Annapurna anyway and hope it will open up in the ground. :)

Hopefull you can see the split in these photos.


And then the un split Annapurna bean.

As asked for by Shadydude here is my soil mix ill be using.

Yep outdoors grow and i have 50 Ltrs of nute free compost, i have 1kg of fish, blood and bone (i wont use all of it). Also 1Kg of bone meal which again i wont use all of. I have 10L perlite and 10L vermiculite. Also i am collecting dry cow manure about a carrier bag full or so. This will all be mixed in with the dirt from the area im growing in and will be split equally between plants.

Each plant will have the equivalent of about a 20 litre Pot but in the ground

I am looking into nutes for later in the grow, i have ordinary nutes just weighing up wether it is worth buying cannabis specialized nutes or not.

ANY input about the nutes will be appreciated or a comment on the soil mix is welcome
if you can add some spagnum compost, like b+q sell, it would lighten the soil mix you seem to have. this would allow more oxygen to the root's, and keep the moisture content up.
also for later on ,instead of all these expensive nutes, use Tomorite, it's excellent!
Hi dowser dude thanks for the recommendations I will look into the spagham moss for my main planting.
I am going to my spot in a bit to plant the seeds into my seedling box. The seeds will be in toilet roll tubes in a box until large enough to go in the ground. I will look for the spagham before they go in the ground.
My setup may sound confusing but I will post pictures, this is not an ideal way to start the seedlings lives but I cannot do any part of the plants life in my house apart from germination

Also thanks for the nute tip
That's tomato nutes right?
Right ive been to the site today and potted up the seeds and half prepared the area where they will spend the most part of their life.
Here are my seeds in the tubes for temporary seedling growth.

And heres the seedling box, A clear container with some tin foil on the south facing wall to reflect some light, i know it isnt the best to use but its what i had. It has two large holes for ventalation and a smaller one lower down, they have fine mesh netting to stop insects, it is actually a window anti-insect net.
when seedlings have grown i may attach battery powered hand fans to the inside of the holes to give air circulation and strenghten the roots. I have a bottle with water in with holes in the lid to provide a humid environment in the box.


As you can see the box already is steamed up after about 5 mins, but this is i filled the bottle with warm water.

Here is the area Before and after i have STARTED clearing, not finished clearing weeds etc.

As this is a Guerilla grow i cannot record the day where the seedlings brake surface so for my records i am counting this as DAY 1 :)
next time i visit the site it will be 03/05/2011 or if your american 05/03/2011 :P which is on the tuesday
Hoping to see some nice shoots and i will be updating with what i find.
Any input as to wether the seedling box will be a good start to the seedlings life and how long will it be approx before i have to transplat to the soil, As this is my first grow i dont really have a clear idea as to how rapid the growth is, and im guessing they will stretch alot outdoors? im not sure
anyway thanks for any input it is greatly appreciated
Cheers :)
Also i have made some collars for the plants when they are in the dirt to keep away slugs,snail and rabbits. I read somewhere in RIU someone was using drain pipes cutting jaggedy edges and that stopped the slugs as they dont like the sharpness, so i went with this idea and used clear acrylic sheets that will let all the sun light through, bent them round to a circular shape, and cut spikes on the top, i used whatever nuts, bolts and wingnuts i could find lying around the house to secure it in a circle. also the height of the tubes should be high enough to keep rabbits away.

Tell my what you think :D :leaf:



Well-Known Member
Alright dude like where i think your going with all of this , i tried doing it outside once but picked a location that was a pain in the arse and gave up visiting it for all i know theres 10 massive plants there :D

ive been growing indoors recently put 3 outside there doing fine but dont use the tin foil , the sun and tin foil is a nono burn them to shit. however my indoor is tin foiled and no probs , bitching huh lol

anyways im subbed good luck mate
HAha it might be worth a visit ;) :P
ahhh okays when i go on tuesday ill scrap that tin foil. cheers for the tip

thanks for joining i was looking at your posts before :lol:



Well-Known Member
Heh small world even online 0_o , yeah man i was just sat here thinking that , theres nothing to say they wouldnt have grown. but i had so little bug/animal protection up there i have doubts , im just debating a trip to check. i planted them so long ago tho !

ive started a 2nd job now so i can expand my grow just havent had money spare for it , gonna go bigger and better get a tent and a hps i think but its addictive this growing shiz i need a bigger home lol


Well-Known Member
Got another tip if your on a budget , house salt and tape man , u need double sided tape really but im sure u could fashion something with single sided.
i had clear tubes like yours and put 3 bands of salted tape on there.

Basically remove one side of tape put in bowl of salt then stick to tube , need to refresh it every 3-4 days , or every time it rains but u wont see a slug.

Not much good over a long period but it helped me when i was starting up and didnt have alot. :)