Outdoor Harvest and the fall...



W/ over 40 years of Cannabis grow experience I'd venture to say this years greenhouse crop is by far one of my top ten. If not for my constant vigil against mites everything would be perfect. I started all my plants indoors from my indoor garden back last Dec-Jan and transferred my clones and feminine seed plants into my 48'x26'x13' greenhouse into 150 to 75 gal plastic pots utilizing a mix of crush lava, sphagnum moss, co co, Hydroton and perlite. I'm utilizing 4 different purple strains I've combed the cannabis universe to acquire the finest reditions of each strain; :weed:1. Gran-Daddi-purple, 2. Purple Cream, . Purple Erkle and 4. Purple Kush. I have two different GranDaddi strains from different sides of the US. One I've had for three years and the other received last year. The Purple cream are from seeds I feminized more than ten years ago and the kush and erkle or from a friend:hump: I trust to only mess w/ the best also! Due to being outside in a greenhouse w/ the sides rolled up for air and temp control the dust mites find their way to my sweet ladies no matter what I do and since I refuse to use anything non organic and don't like to apply anything to my buds- water is my only vice and I pour it on liberally washing the mites down regularly, over watering all my babies making for lots of dead leafs throughout every plant.:wall: The constant cleaning is a daily job of 2 to 4hrs a day, but even w/ too much agua the buds are getting heavier and white w/ crystal w/ each passing day.
Now that i'm into the last month i can no longer use water due to the breakage it causes by weighting down the already bud laiden branches. I've had to use tree wound goo and stakes w/ wire to mend previous breaks. One of the largest Gran-Daddi's actually broke down the middle allthe way to the grow medium:o. i wrapped it with green landscape wire tite, covered w/ black tree wound compound and staked the heavy branches up and have seen all damaged plants recover well w/ almost no negative effects:spew:. I also utilize nylon netting on long stakes wrapped around 2 to three plants in a row adding lots of structure strength saving alot of breakage. When you make plants that fast and that big in an artificial environment the branches get extra weak and seem to break from Sept on. pre strengthening is recommended, not after the fact like me, lol... Keep tree wound compound and a putty knife on hand as well as landscape tape/ wire and stakes. if you pre-stake and wire up all the branches you deem worthy you'll save lots a heart ache! Anyway this season I've been fertilizing w/ Humic, Fulvic, B-1 and FoxFarm Organic Bloom @ 1/4 strength every week. I water as needed and since it gets up to 110 inside the greenhouse:fire: some plants need water 5 out of 7 days.
:leaf:Again I spray the tops to wash off mites as well as the floor and outside of buckets. I act as if there is anthrax pow\der all over the plant and begin at the top circling the plant washing the invisible dust down to the bottom, I flood the pot and pour off the excess, then wash the entire pot top down and floor surface beginning at the high side of the greenhouse washing everything down and outside. I see mites and webbing every so often, but keeping a wet environment has kept them down to a low roar and now that everything is more than 2/3 done they can have at it the effects will be minimal at best if any!
:weed:Good luck and remember I can be reached for consulting at the 28TH St. cannabis Club in Sac. Calif. "Green Solutions"; I charge for an hr consult and discuss what the client wants i.e. improvements, problem solving, renovation and or upgrades to any grow environment. Price depends on distance of travel and work required. 1ST Hr costs lunch and $50. A 3 day survey w/ 4 page report costs from $200 to $500 and I get discounts w/ several grow outlets as an extra bonus as well as access to used equip. for all clients who need or want new or different equip. to improve yeild, lower costs, set up a schedule, problem solving or start from scratch????????????

Well, it's that time again; Time to twist a evening treat :eyesmoke:and take my attack dogz for a walk out to the garden; 1:42 am..:hump:

Bye for now..... BushDok



they loko good bro

i take it its legal to grow where u are lol

:joint:scwascwa; To answer your question regarding "legal growing here", yes it's legal to have a 215 medical garden on your property where i live, but the "anti's" will still attempt to hurt you thru legal action as well as intimidation. The admin seems to be only after the big operations, but still hit smaller patient grows periodically?? One's never totally safe... Anyway my doctor has written permission as well as the state issued card i get each year for my use of medical cannabis and since I want to know what i'm putting in my body, where it's from and acheive a certain standard, as far as strength and taste:weed:, the only prudent approach is to have indoor grow rooms and a large green house. Oh and thanx for the compliment my garden is very important to me and a refelection of all efforts thru out the year. I take great pride. Because I'm totally organic I use only water for mites and have to over water all the pots to keep the mites at bay. The susequent yellow and dead middle & lower leafs are a problem, but bud production couldn't be better!:bigjoint:

Good luck stoner, where are you from? I'm in the usa....


