Outdoor Hydro


Well-Known Member
Whats up everyone, Id thought id share my last years outdoor hydro. I did 1-5 gallon DWC setup, along with a aeroflo DIY system. They overall results were really nice. The plants the in aeroflo exploded as soon as they were put in, along with the DWC.

I ran into a few problems along the way.

1. Wind- the aeroflow had tipped over a few times which was a big stresser. They plants were big enough that the wind would hit a wall of plants and completely overturn the system.. Haha. Figure ill anchor it down this time

2. Root Aphids- These bastards were a real pain in the ass. They would slip in through the hydroton and set up shot. I had to do several/rez drenches of neem oil which suffocated the little bastards. The neem didnt seem to have too much of an effect of the roots ability to uptake nutrients. Although i would give a strong rise with a hose after the treatment.

The thousand dollar question! What do you guys think is the best go at preventing these little suckers from getting in the rez. Any ideas on how to completly seal the system, while being able to take it apart for clean would be much appreciated.

hydro 5.jpghydro 4.jpghydro 3.jpghydro 2.jpghydro 1.jpg


Well-Known Member
Nice going, too bad abt the bugs, not sure you can eliminate them from moving in, that's nature for you, I thought abt doing that once but the bug issue stopped me.


Active Member
one way would be to just set up a tub for a reservoir, elevated then pump the water out or siphon it for watering. the problem is you set the plants up on top of a big tub of water and gnats only need water to survive. they look like root aphids too right. you could use the same medium, get a timer that would work with the hose or hand water maybe. I use soil pots then sometimes put it in a tub with an airstone and fish emulsionfor a half hour or so then let it drain. Its easier to just mix a little up then let it drain. your system looks cool but cleaning and changing a big reservoir sucks.


Well-Known Member
hydrosoil that sounds like a possibility, but in the long run would be too much of a hassle. I didnt get aphids in the aeroflo rez, there are no roots in there, only the grow chamber, which indeed was a bitch to clean.

I think it would be much easier to seal the aeroflow system because it only has 3in round holes. I herd vaseline creates a good barrier between plants and bugs, they cant and dont like to cross the line... unless they can fly.

May if i smeared some vaseline around the base and the lid where they would craw through the hydroton could work.

are their aphids that can fly, or they soley on ground?


Well-Known Member
Nice idea, your plants look lovely and green
off the top of my head i cant think of a good solution to your problem that will be full proof
other than perhaps using natural predators to eat those bugs you do not want
other than this, trying to deal with bugs outside seems like a hard task
the bugs will always have access to your plants, even if you manage to seal the rootzone away
establishing predators could be a good idea to protect your plants foliage too
or you could use chemicals to kill them pyrethrum etc



Well-Known Member
shunkdoc- i dont like to use harsh chemicals especially when i smoke a lot of the product i grow.

nizza- i like your thinking. I think if you have a think enough layer of perlite, the sand cant wiggle its way down to the rez and pump.
That is definitely a possible solution. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
@skunkd0c: love the avatar, titties n trees! I hate bugs. always seem to be there no matter how hard u try because they are too many different species/ types of bugs n pests for a "one cure all" solution...(million dollar idea). I find most organic pesticides don't have any effect on bugs, and the chemicals jus get them higher... but I do like the concept Nizza ^^^ has with the sand on top, but then again might just help with the free pest housing ;)