Outdoor/Indoor Grow


Active Member
im growing indoors but keeping my plant under natural light its doin alright bit streched but thats expected. and was wondering if the plant would be ok outside for a couple of hours when the sun is at it strongest. please bear in mind im in uk and its like 5 degrees C at min.


Active Member
you dont want it to be too cold, but theres nothing wrong with alternating from natural and artificial lighting.


Active Member
there never under artifical light got in in natural light in my back passage just wanting to know if they willl be ok out in the full light for a few houres but its quite cold out in uk at min


Well-Known Member
as long as you dont keep her out overnight and the natural light for a few hours simply isnt going to give you the best results im sure your aware she will be a small girl.But it wont kill yur plant just stunt it tremendously,given its only a few hours of sunlight.


Active Member
so am i best just keeping her in natural daylight kept indoors then. rather then put them outside