Outdoor/Indoor Growing Concept... Please Evaluate!


New Member
Sup guys, so my parents found my grow box, and they got very pissed off, and trashed all of my plants... I'm moving house soon, with my parents, and i'm moving to a place called "Varibobi"... Seeing as varibobi is a very dense forest area, and i want to grow inside (inside meaning with lights). Im thinking of making a tree house somewhere deep in the forest, just a small box, nothing bigger than the size of a desk, and no taller than me... Fit some lights on the ceiling, and get a ventilation fan. cover the whole box in a waterproof brown paint (brown for camuflage), and fit some solar panels (i found 1cm^2 ones for 10 euros ($17 or some shit)) on the roof to power the lights & fan, and then grow indoors in that box...

Ask questions, and point out errors! i want to perfect this idea!


New Member
and you would need ALOT of solar panels to power any kind of light.
Yeah i know... I'm only going to be growing around 3 or 4 plants though... And i'm going to be using CFL's... So i don't think i would need that many, but yeah it would require quite a lot of power :/


Well-Known Member
Why don't you look into what solar panels can provide before proceeding with this idea, to my knowledge a 1sq. metre panel will provide around 30 watts of electricity which means the whole tree will be hanging in solar panels...look like a xmas tree with decorations. Why not just use the sun????


Active Member
Why don't you look into what solar panels can provide before proceeding with this idea, to my knowledge a 1sq. metre panel will provide around 30 watts of electricity which means the whole tree will be hanging in solar panels...look like a xmas tree with decorations. Why not just use the sun????
Hes right, and if you wanted to use solar panels for anything maybe a small heater to ensure the temperature around the plants is ideal?