Outdoor lights during flowering from neighbors yard???????

I have a hydro setup i just put it out backyard from inside vegging to flower outdoors but I noticed my neighbor leaves their porch light on and it's about 20 to 30 feet away but it shines through the fence. will this affect my plants flowering? This is my first attempt with outdoors I usually grow indoors. So any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advanced.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
if it is a regular porch light and not a huge flood light, i agree, u should be fine. GL


Well-Known Member
Take it out bro with a gun and blame the kids , by the time they replace it your harvest should be ready. If its brighter than moonlight its affecting them.

Dyna Ryda

Well-Known Member
Take it out bro with a gun and blame the kids , by the time they replace it your harvest should be ready. If its brighter than moonlight its affecting them.
Haha, I was thinking the same thing. Shoot it with a bb gun if it starts messing with your flowering cycle.
Thanks everyone. I was wondering what if I just covered up the cracks of the fence. there is only like 3 places it's coming through. I mean I don't see why it would effect it much but I know the plant is very light sensitive. I've been doing research and it's 50/50 with effecting it and not effecting it. I don't have a bb gun so that won't work. and I don't want to buy one just to shoot a light bulb out. The light doesn't come over the fence just through it. Like I said tho, this is my first outdoor attempt at all. I don't want to mess it up. Does anyone else have the issue of any type of light outside? Is there any thing I should look out for cuz I've heard there are quite a bit of issues you can run into growing outdoors. Oh another question, when I had the plant vegging inside I kept the temperature between 79 and 85 degrees. Outside it's getting hotter than that. Will that make an effect out the outcome of the buds? Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
yea you gotta do somethin. I have a plant right now that has buds on the back side, but not on the front because of my porch light. It will effect them, don't believe it won't.

shynee mac

Well-Known Member
wow, im having that same problem with my neighbors porch light...its 2 "flood lights" and one is pointed directly at my yard, so im sure that it will affect my grow. IIm debating should I buy them a green bulb (if they consider using it) or should I just buy tarp for my fence. but then my plants will be atleast 6 feet tall by September, ill have another problem then. the light is well over 25 feet away and I have a green house with 6ml. thick clear/blurry plastic but im still noid



Well-Known Member
i would make a cover out of really thick black plastic like construction garbage bags so it blocks the light from there side. any light brighter than the moon can affect them.


Well-Known Member
just get a stapler gun and some plastic bags and staple the crack where the light is leaking through . no big deal . depends on how strong the light is . if the plants will be affected . seal it up

shynee mac

Well-Known Member
just get a stapler gun and some plastic bags and staple the crack where the light is leaking through . no big deal . depends on how strong the light is . if the plants will be affected . seal it up
@kinddiesel Its a gate type fence, ill have to just hang up some black plastic, hopefully when the plants get taller the light wont affect them