Outdoor Medical Garden 9 plants Mr. Nice strain w/ PIX check in everyweek 4 new pix


Well-Known Member
Started my outdoor medicinal garden april 1st 2009 in Southern Cali. got Mr. Nice strain clones from the clinic. Transplanted into 5 gallon pots and once they grow larger i will b transplanting into 32 gallon trashcans/ Using miracle grow moisture control soil and permiculite. havent started fertilizer feeding yet. Security setup with video cameras night vision and a beam sensor that chimes when sumone breaks the path.
i move the containers around the backyard for maximum sunlight exposure. check the pix out and check up every week or so for new pix and updates. any comments or tips are welcome.



Well-Known Member
Started my outdoor medicinal garden april 1st 2009 in Southern Cali. got Mr. Nice strain clones from the clinic. Transplanted into 5 gallon pots and once they grow larger i will b transplanting into 32 gallon trashcans/ Using miracle grow moisture control soil and permiculite. havent started fertilizer feeding yet. Security setup with video cameras night vision and a beam sensor that chimes when sumone breaks the path.
i move the containers around the backyard for maximum sunlight exposure. check the pix out and check up every week or so for new pix and updates. any comments or tips are welcome.
Nice setup in the backyard. You have to love being a medical user. Also i fucking love the security system you have, it will keep your paranoia to a minimum. Looks like everything is going well, but since you have the miracle grow soil, just be careful, use other stuff if you can, just my two cents. good luck on your grow.bongsmiliebongsmilie:eyesmoke::eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
ya well i had both my knee ACLs reconstructed and it really does help with the pain. but its my parents house as funny as it is. i grew last seaon at a house i was renting and got ripped off (my mistake cuz too many close friends knew and im sure they told sumone and a greedy fuk stole em but lesson learned) anyways my parents are chill with it and the security is to make sure my neighbors are snoopin around and no one gets in the yard without me knowin. but ya i wasnt sure about the miracle grow i used it last year did ok but i know theres better shit out there. if u or anyone else has oppinions for other medium plz let me know. i was just doin the fastest and most basic setup


Active Member
I am getting medical license soon as the summer ends. I am looking forward to it greatly, i love your setup, you have the names and everything it looks very professional. I just had one question because i am planning on getting clones as well from the clinic... How much is the average that one of those will produce????
please send me a message back


Well-Known Member
Sound like you are growing trees. looking forward to see the end result.

Just one thought a from new indoor grower... Would you be just as well off putting them in the ground? Those pots are huge.


Well-Known Member
haha ya not gonna lie having a license is nice and less paranoia buttt theres still the 6 plant limit and i always think bigger is better so always want to do more then wat were allowed. but it was intyeresting shopping around diff clinics for diff strains of clones. OC has a good amount but i found the best quality and quanity in Long beach and LA county. Orange is just where im at. the yield depends on strain and quality of grown. this is my second grow only ever and still learning but use jorges books and other advice to make everything a legit plan. but new pix soon. theyre growin about 1"-3"s a week weather dropped from 101 degrees now bak down to 70s which is much nicer for the babies. oh and yea me and the gf decided to name them and see which produces the most and also when i do diff experiaments with fert and other nutes


Well-Known Member
ya i did want to plant in the ground but wasnt really much room and its my parents pad lol so id have to wait til i get bak from my surgery and get my own place again to do in ground or indoor. the in ground method my buddy did last year and his grew to b fukn 10ft tall without much effort and even cut off all the water leaves cuz he didnt know wat he was doing but still produced a pound of decent nugg haha. ill have to upload that pic on here too,

but ya growin in 32gallon trashcans will make them b def xmas treez haha. im gonna bend them so they grow fat and wide for the most parts just to make it not look so obvious to my neighbors even tho the smell will give it away. but ya itll be interesting to see wat happens with this grow plan.


Well-Known Member
oh and the clinic clones range from $10-20 depends the strain quality and which clinic. some sell them without marking them up after they bought from the intial grower that supplied the clones.


Well-Known Member
Boomer defantly loose the miracle grow for your next plants and when you transplant again. I would suggest sunshinemix #4 or ocean forest potting soil. Any local hydro shops should carry that. Also don't don't remember what nutrients you said you were going to use. Also since you started this early in the season you are going to have some trees, so i wish you luck.bongsmiliebongsmilie:eyesmoke::eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
ok ya ill def check out those mixes then. ill have to supply my own nutes tho rite? the fert i was gonna use was sum miracle gro shit too. im assuming theres better out there lol. any suggestions guys? its a tomatoe fert 30-20-20 i believe


Well-Known Member
heres my buddys pic from last season planted in the ground just to see wat would happen. barely used any fert or soil ammendments. he even went trim crazy and chopped off all the fukn water leaves haha i told him it was a bad idea but sumhow they still grew bud and worked. total homegrown status masterkush from seed but interesting to see wat happened.



Well-Known Member
heres my buddys pic from last season planted in the ground just to see wat would happen. barely used any fert or soil ammendments. he even went trim crazy and chopped off all the fukn water leaves haha i told him it was a bad idea but sumhow they still grew bud and worked. total homegrown status masterkush from seed but interesting to see wat happened.
Nice, well if thats what his did will no nutes and stupid shit happening to it, your going to have trees. For nutrients i use the fox farm line. depending on your price range you can use Advance nutrients, which are really good but pricey. If you go to local hydro stores they will help you out or you can do research online. Hydroempire.com is one i have used before. Also get rid of that miracle grow plant food its not ment for this kind of plant.Good luck and hopefully you have enough bud to keep you out of pain.bongsmiliebongsmilie:eyesmoke::eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
btw if u guys have any suggestions im at about 15inches tall now and thinking of FIM ing them to split the tops so they dont go higher then my fukn rooftop lol. the problem with puttin them in trashcans i need them mobile but dont wanna make it completely obvious to my neighbors. im gonna throw sum fake flowers on them soon too but i wanna grow bushy and wide not 15foot tall xmas trees haha. even tho id want to. wat do u recommend and when should i FIM? im gonna def LST soon too prob when i transplant into the trashcans. i have a setup thatyll allow me to tie the branches down. PIX comin this week stay posted


Well-Known Member
btw if u guys have any suggestions im at about 15inches tall now and thinking of FIM ing them to split the tops so they dont go higher then my fukn rooftop lol. the problem with puttin them in trashcans i need them mobile but dont wanna make it completely obvious to my neighbors. im gonna throw sum fake flowers on them soon too but i wanna grow bushy and wide not 15foot tall xmas trees haha. even tho id want to. wat do u recommend and when should i FIM? im gonna def LST soon too prob when i transplant into the trashcans. i have a setup thatyll allow me to tie the branches down. PIX comin this week stay posted

lst lst lst lst lst lst lst lst lst those lil trees!

or super crop them if you confident enough !

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
subscribed:) 6 plants huh, our laws is 7 plants...4 immature and 3 mature, also allowed to carry up to 3 oz. total...1oz. per mature plant.for a person with my needs, these laws just don't cut it!I easily go through an ounce a week!and thats just personal use!but anyways, stoked to be aboard following your grow!!by the way, get this....MM card hoders in HI gotta register with the narcotics enforcement division!WTF?!aint it medicine?shouldn't doctors be the ones we are registering with?!now narcs know what I do....sorry for ranting:)mahalos and aloha for your guys time..
looking good,i dont know about the wehter in your land but in holland the tempratuur is 10 higer than normal so we have a good start aswell,good luck greetings leo from the netherlands


Well-Known Member
ya id rather LST them but im little on the confused side about the benefits of LSTing. u bend them over while young and it traisn them to grow horizontal instead of straight up right? but when do u untie them? and when untie them do u retie up higher and the other direction? ive been readin about it in books and still trying to figure it out. im def going to LST but maybe to start now would be better?
so hold off on FIM ing?

and ya i actually have 9 plants out there growing i got a deal for the clones and figured id choose and keep the strongest 6 for flowering. or just in case pests or sum other crazy shit happens that kills a couple ill still have 6 females left which is under my legal limit.

I talked to my doctor about gettin my recommendation increased he said they never have or will ever increase the legal limit for individual patients growin rights. its govern by the city county u live in i guess. clinics had told me otherwise thats why i asked. but oh well im gonn have my gf get a MM card and when we get the condo in the fall for the indoor grow im gonna follow Bterz design grow with 12 plants but i want to use the perpetial crop method and be able to harvest at least once a month.


Well-Known Member
and dr. greenhorn thats sum crazy info. its supposed to be considered medicinal purposes not a narcotic. the gov needs to relax on this herb and worry about the more important crimes out. im not tellin no gov peeps anything about me havin a MM card or growing fuk that