Outdoor newbie


Well-Known Member
I've been growing indoors but would like to try a plant outside. What is an ok size pot to use. 10 gal??? in rainy season how do you prevent over watering??


Well-Known Member
My dad taught me a trick back in the 80's that where he would take a 5 gln bucket & mix up a "super soil" his soil hade enough nutrients in it to carry a plant that he started indoors that was atleast 12" tall all through vegging & flowering, with minimal yellowing at the end of flowering stage!! :mrgreen:
And transplant it into his buckets, take um out in the woods, tie a rope around the handle & toss it around a low hanging branch then pull it up & tie it off!! He taught me this to keep "thieves" from stealing my crops!! And it worked too!!! ;)
Just don't 4 get to drill ya a few drain holes in the bottom of the buckets!! And he/we didn't go back & water unless it was absolutely had to, like if it didn't rain for 4 to 5 days! Reason being is because he said that we would make a "path" way to our plants, leading people right to them!! Needless to say we where going back in middle Oct. To harvest!! Haha.. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
What is this special soil? Working my first indoor gig right now, but this idea is convincing enough to try 10 or so outdoors. Would you spread them out around an area to avoid getting found or keep them in one large tree?


Well-Known Member
i think 10 gallons pots are too small,not really worth it.....i use 18 gallon totes on my small girls...

also are you trying to do a spring or fall harvest?


Well-Known Member
I have used 55 gln trash cans before! Now talking about "trees" & a huge yeild!! I like to flipped when I webt to harvest one summer whne I used the trash can!! Almost didn't bring enough trash bags for the buds,lol... :mrgreen: