Outdoor odor

first legit outdoor grow. The girls are looking splendid and are within 4 weeks of harvest. Here is the rub......they stink! I can smell them from 30 feet away. I have the girls adjacent to a public park. I'm guessing if I can smell them so can everyone else. I know the placement on the girls sounds stupid but is was my best option. They are camouflagued VERY well but the smell is outta control. Since they are in pots I can move them. My only other option is to move them to a spot that doesn't get nearly as much sun and is near a street light so it will get some light at night.

Can anything be done to control odor? I would like to keep them in original spot but don't want to risk getting found out.

If I need to move them to the second spot will the street light at night ruin the crop?


Hippy Girl

Ya, I'm going with the "dead skunk" option as well. :lol:

But seriously,
The General public won't know what the smell is, they'll think it's just some weeds or damp grass sitting.
Problem is that they're in pots so the ones that do know the smell, will be the most curious and they'll be snagged by some smokers.
They're think the Great Ganja above left them these gifts and this is the best day of their lives! :grin:
( I would love to get the picture of a bunch of stoners walking down the side of the highway each carrying a pot with huge pot plants in them ) :eyesmoke:

I would only be worried that since they're in pots and if your finger prints are on all over the pots.
I mean... if your even a truck driver and transport hazmat ( hazardous materials ) your finger prints are in the system. - new law since 911.
So your in for some aggravation.

But I would take my chances and leave them there.
Could just be your paranoia and no one will even notice or care. bongsmilie