Last couple of outdoor seasons have been ruined by the wet & cold of late Aug & Sept, so for the first time ever I bought some seeds.
The idea is to start them today in a 1% peroxide solution, keep indoors for seedling stage, harden off and move outside for early June, and finish in early Aug.
All 5 seeds broke the surface yesterday and here they are this morning.
Sitting on the kitchen table by the window, no direct light, ambient light only.
So it's been 3 days under led apx 1400 lux (since they're so small), second set of real leaves just starting
Warm, breezy with sunny breaks.
Going outside for a few hours to start "hardening off"....
Checked this morning, roots were peeking out of the bottom of the pots. So I said fuck it and decided to transplant into their final pots rather than 5 gal buckets.
Was sunny when I started but is pissing down now (just finished in time).
Just snapped a few pics during a break....
One 10 gallon and four 25 gallon pots.
Girls have been spending the nights in the garage, in around sunset & out in the morning when the frost is gone (around 7am)
3 and 1/2 days outside so far.
The girls spent their first full 24hrs outside
It was pretty warm (for May) last night with just the lightest frost this morning, so I left them out covered with clear garbage bags.
Not exactly the rapid growth I was expecting, maybe the roots are growing more, just as long as they finish before autumn....
That's my light activated alarm clock in the back there
Fucked up & didn't cover the girls last night, light frost.
Hardened the soil & just touched the seedlings, lawn was about 1/3 covered.
They're all a little saggy but I'm hopeful that they'll recover, figure I'll know by this afternoon.
6 weeks today, girls are growing well. Main stalks are nice and thick.
Neighbour likes my "tomato" plants.
No sign of pre-flower yet & stipules have just started to form (if that means anything).
Eight weeks. Day 57.
So far so good.
Just came off 3 full days of sun.
2 of the girls look to be in flower the others seem to be pre-flowering still.
Fed them last feeding(maybe) of Veg nutes yesterday.
Shortest is 29 inches, tallest is 36.5 inches.
Well, it started raining before dawn Monday, everything from a spot of sun to the rain bouncing 10cm on the road.
The Weather Network say "sunny breaks" for next Tuesday, rain till then.
We're getting the rain now that we were supposed to get(we didn't) in April & May.
No sun, plenty of rain.
Rain barrel is full, ground saturated, floodplains flooded.
Got some shaker food because the girls are looking hungry & I can't feed with liquid ferts with all this rain.
Has kelp, worm castings & bone meal.
In full flower now, vendor says 45 day flower, I'll believe that when it happens.
Early September maybe?
Clouds started breaking up a few hours ago & is now full sun with a few clouds.
The last sunny day was Sunday June 25th. That was 10 days without sun (lots of rain & wind), but the girls seem to be fine.
10 weeks, day 70.
Checking the girls this morning & saw a brown sugar leaf, gave it a tug and it came off easily bringing a couple of flowers with it.
Fucking bud rot. Ripped off all the rot & more.
Even though it's been sunny since Thursday, it's high 90's humidity & fog overnight.
Vertical growth has stopped on three plants & the other two have slowed.
This is where I removed the infected bud, here's hoping