Outdoor plant still flowering!


Active Member
So the outdoor plant is flowering like crazy - in June!. Starting to glisten with trichs too. It started to flower in early May and was originally planted in April. I thought at some point the plant would revert to vegetative cycle, but it hasn't. My guess is that it will continue to flower until it's done, but at a slower rate than if it were on a 12/12 light cycle. Maybe be ready to harvest sometime at the end of July? Does anyone have any experience with something like this? By the way, the plant is growing in fl.



Active Member
ah, another grower in florida, small world =]
i have some plants here, too bad they were stolen ...
but it looks like you had the same strand as me.
and yes
the flowering stage is a pain in the ass
but it looks like yur nearing its ending to where its ready to harvest.
wait until the buds look solidified on the stalk and is air-tight
you'll have some pretty good selling mid-grade/crip
$25 for half eighth, 50 for an eigth, and 100 per quarter.
thats the average florida price for mid-grades down here. you probably know all this but its good to let you know =]:blsmoke:
ill post pics of my crazy blue strand. itll be done budding probably by august. its still vegetating.



Well-Known Member
Geez, I'd love to hear other people experience about this too!
Is it normal for a plant into flowering to continue in spite of the light cycle?
It sounds like it could be stressful for the plant.
Please keep us updated.


Active Member
I've dealt with many light problems, Florida sucks for light... it can suddenly turn into hurricane charley at any moment.
the amount of stress the plant recieves depends on its situation, is it growing under some light per day?
if its only getting 4 hours. it will keep flowering for a great amount of time, i know this cause it has happened to me, and it gets you very impatient.

I'd like to hear a response from ss.


Active Member
It gets at least seven, maybe even eight hours of direct sunlight per day. The sun is so intense in the middle of the day, I put screening material above it so it cuts down on the intensity a little bit. It still gets totally direct sunlight in the morning and late afternoon/early evening hours. The screen also protects the plants from the really hard rain we often get around here. It filters the really hard rain drops that could end up damaging the plant. In any event, from the looks of it, I should be harvesting in a few weeks, which would make it about 12-13 week flowering cycle. Time will tell