Outdoor plants not growing in size?


I have about 6 plants and they don't seem to be growing. I have looked at pics of other plants the same age mine seem really small. Two of them have been planted for almost 3 weeks and they still only have the 4 leaves and are about an inch tall. What can I put on them to jump start there growth? I don't want to spend too much and yes they are outdoors.


Well-Known Member
were they started outdoors or indoors? If started indoors you will need to slowly adjust them to the powerful light of the sun.


Active Member
mine were germed indoors sunday 18 till they sprouted within 3days and then put in soil and planted outdoors. they over 1 week old and are 1" tall with there first set of leaves.

i guess its the cold nights but they do love the sun and i do see a growth difference every day. if you done the same as me i wouldnt worry coz the will soon take off! :)


Well-Known Member
mine were germed indoors sunday 18 till they sprouted within 3days and then put in soil and planted outdoors. they over 1 week old and are 1" tall with there first set of leaves.

i guess its the cold nights but they do love the sun and i do see a growth difference every day. if you done the same as me i wouldnt worry coz the will soon take off! :)

I started most of my seeds January 1st. They are in a greenhouse and are generally very slow growing.


Although the plant isn't growing very fast, the roots are growing.

A week of warm weather will show amazing results.

My grow show documents the process pretty well.


Many plants die from too much care.


Active Member

I started most of my seeds January 1st. They are in a greenhouse and are generally very slow growing.


Although the plant isn't growing very fast, the roots are growing.

A week of warm weather will show amazing results.

My grow show documents the process pretty well.


Many plants die from too much care.

Hey VG. Patients was my enemy but im getting better lol.


Ok sorry I should have listed more deatils...LOL They were all started from seed in the ground. The two bigger ones are about 2 to 3 weeks and the others are just a week old and are just sprouting. They get full sun from around noon till 7ish. Temps are varied from 55 to 70. I am very very newbie...I have completely enclosed yard and thought maybe I could save some money and throw some seeds down. Now I find I am obsessing over them..LOL Thanks everyone for all your tips and hints and advice.